Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [prep] [Wh adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is er as I see it they 've gone back to the drawing board with where the bands are actually how it 's banded .
2 The Trust agreed to let HUG come up with their own feasibility study on how the clinic could be better used .
3 League leaders South scraped the bonus point at where the minimum requirement of 20 overs were bowled in the second innings .
4 Lola gets up to no good with her handsome boyfriend , but it 's a basic boy meets girl story of how the pair defiantly take on the world .
5 The Commissioner has already made it clear that if it needs to bring its works council proposal on where the consultation and multi-nationals through the new Chapter , it 'll include workers in British plants and calculating which firms have to comply and U K firms operating plants on the continent will have to operate the directive there .
6 The range from the firing point to where the rounds impacted was between 35 metres ( the shot that hit Barling ) and 30 metres ( the ones that hit the pillar ) … ’
7 Lovely landscaped terraces rise in tiers above the swimming pool from where the views are quite superb .
8 If unchecked , carbon dioxide levels will continue to rise to twice their pre-industrial levels by 2028. * A UN study conducted by international scientists has used a computer simulation of how the planet functions , to predict that the average global temperature will increase between two and six degrees Fahrenheit by 3000AD .
9 I shaved in cold water and walked out of the gate and across the parade ground to where a queue of people were waiting to be served at the kitchen .
10 ‘ At some stage , when I stop playing competitively , I will need to make some sort of career decision about where the majority of my energies will go .
11 So that the pageant should not be seen by any outsider and news spread of where the Miracle-Worker had gone to earth , they rolled the various carts into two barns facing on to the street .
12 Until the end of the last year , 23rd Precinct , the label , had conspicuously failed to emulate the success of the specialist Glasgow dance music store from whence the label was launched .
13 At a meeting of the Finance Committee members will pr , make a progress report on how the poll tax collection is going , and campaigners say they intend to put pressure on councillors in an attempt to get them to review the collection process .
14 ‘ The only things they can offer you is things like making grass grow on colliery spoil heaps or being a world expert on how a locust eats grass , ’ says Peter .
15 The UK Environment Secretary , John Gummer , has launched a consultation paper on how the country might move towards sustainability as envisaged at the Rio summit .
16 This was an intriguing first hand account of how an engine works , its maintenance , and driving .
17 It 's also led to a whole industry around the Morse phenomenon , including the CD of music to the series , the Inspector Morse tourist trail and now a non-fiction book about how the series is made .
18 They were given a grandstand view of how the world 's first new man-made fibre for 30 years is manufactured .
19 The thin beech spinney from where the dogs were slipped still stands near the Oxford road .
20 Data for my research was obtained from four main sources : detailed interviews with ‘ samples ’ of front-line workers , such as social workers and health visitors ; a participant observation study of how a sample of new cases were investigated and managed ; examination of files and records ; attendance at case conferences , which are the meetings of professionals with relevant knowledge of a particular case to decide whether child abuse has taken place , and what course of action is in the best interests of the child , or children , concerned .
21 ‘ The important thing is to know the time delay between when the fire starts and the detector operates , ’ says Peter Burray , head of fire detection at the station .
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