Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [noun] that they " in BNC.

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1 When Mark and his cohorts eventually emerged from the dark recesses of the studio and delivered the Talk Talk album that they 'd always wanted to make to the band 's record label , more than one EMI executive jaw hit the lush EMI executive suite carpet .
2 We have been told by the Cotswold Pig Development Company that they believe the ‘ White F1 hybrid sows ’ would stand up to outdoor conditions .
3 None the less , it is a general and interesting phenomenon of investment trust shares that they stand ‘ at a discount ’ to the net asset value of the trust .
4 Transnational corporations are sensitive to home country criticisms that they are exporting jobs and , the less menial the jobs , the more vulnerable the TNCs .
5 Scottish banks have warned council chief executives that they will be unable to cope with even a modest level of account arrestment .
6 Y I mean local Manchester Evening News issues that they put out in they put out where where we live in Kearsley , there 's a lot of people in Kearsley buy the Manchester And er we 've got to feed the candidate with all these things so that it gets into the into the Your local newspaper , the local free paper goes out in every area , you must get the name in as from tomorrow .
7 The underlying point is that much more can and should be done than at present by librarians and information scientists to bring order and control to the myriad of business information sources that they are called upon to handle .
8 These families need every minuscule cut in the mortgage interest rate that they can get — and soon . ’
9 We are now charging frail elderly people , physically and mentally handicapped people to go to the day car facilities that they so value and so need .
10 Work out the percentage of total service sector employment that they represent .
11 Your worships , er , there 's nothing at all more sinister in the failure to stop and failure to report than than that , i th that is a a true record of the er er er of the incident as far as Mrs was concerned erm and it is something which erm comes about an accident which came about probably through the inexperience of the children er , running across the pedestrian crossing thinking that they have priority erm and not having regard to other road users er , and Mrs was travelling at slow speed but it was she was put in a difficult position by the the way in which the children ran across the road .
12 He suggested to the Leeds and District Football Association that they should field a representative side against Leeds City reserves , a game duly held at Elland Road , but he soon became disillusioned .
13 but anyhow it , well they , they were there and he bought the pub did n't he and they were moving on the Saturday and he came on the Saturday morning and he cried take the furniture to pieces , some of the furniture , the wardrobes and there was a dining room table that they could n't get into the pub , could I dismantle them and re-assemble them again and that was the first time I 'd ever met him were n't I ?
14 This motion also creates an opportunity for the union , our union , the members ' union , to encourage young members , members and branch activists to take on the role of branch administration officers within the regions we represent here today and gain experience in an area of trade union work that they thought might never have , have existed .
15 The vital task facing trade unions at the present time is to sell trade unionism — to convince trade union members that they belong to a beneficial , positive and essential organisation .
16 I learnt that Roy Hattersley and Gwyneth Dunwoody , who spoke for the Opposition on health , had claimed at Labour 's morning press conference that they had a ‘ leaked ’ copy of a secret Health Department report planning the privatization of the service .
17 It is mainly to adult adventure stones that they must look for the romantic and chivalric manifestations of love towards which they reach in adolescence ; such feelings are by convention regarded as unseemly and unsuitable in books written specifically for the young .
18 but she 's had quite a lot of training in other things actually and with the man marketing department that they 've got there they might not need that the thing coming up I 've just had what 's interesting about that and what I do n't like about it is not to because I have a lot of respect for her .
19 But in 1921 the King 's personal physician , Lord Dawson , stunned his profession alike and delighted the press by praising the morality of family limitation and warning Church leaders that they risked losing a whole generation by their unrealistic pronouncements ; an example followed in 1925 when the next King 's physician , Sir H. Rolliston , Regius Professor of Physick at Cambridge , became president of a new family-planning clinic .
20 Marxists have the dogmatic assurance that comes from possessing a world-view that offers total explanations of social and cultural processes , and which is mysteriously immune to the ideological determinism ind deformation that they diagnose in others .
21 I think historically although you know historians can much better than me , erm historically maybe the way that the rock has been worked with a bagging system and it was you know and lots of quarry men had little bits of farm as well around Blaenau especially and you get a feeling er from reading about it that er you know they have a an almost self employed attitude to their to their work and their rock and the fact that er they 'd do it in their own you know wor work the rock in a certain way and this and very sort of proud erm of their work and that and From talking a lot to them and being close to you know it you feel that that that 's still very much the same really you know there is this sort of close relationship and that with their em employers there was you know a lot of you know was n't it was n't straight it as straight as you said a straight employer employee relationship that they was A lot of s sort of er give and take probably and I think they were outraged at this sort of McGregor type tactic really that you know this new machine .
22 He was stationed in an old chapel in Chuckery because the Americans once they 'd started they were putting them everywhere or anywhere they could just get to be with them before V Day they were even in little chapels , churches , outhouses anywhere they could possibly and there were guns and bits of trucks on every spot of land where they could get them the er , I 'm getting out of context I was just thinking about a tank , a First World War tank that they used to have those as well in the field gun in the er arboretum which were disappeared soon after the war they went for scrap and they came and they used , people used to have a lot of wrought iron railings as well they took those as well they came along with burners and went off to the war effort , but er like I say the Americans and of course as kids they were very generous with kids and we absolutely loved them .
23 Members of the right-wing Solidarity Group picked up so many shadow cabinet posts that they no longer needed to organise .
24 It is typical of the controlling group 's over enthusiasm for the photo press opportunity that they 're anxious to sign anything , even if the policies are not clear .
25 The sort of larger items the police have property marking kits that they 're quite willing to lend out to people , or alternatively , you can hire them out on your library card , and you can dye stamp those or engrave them .
26 School route : Durham county council has reminded school bus drivers that they should not use the narrow Roundhill Road route .
27 because the candle is inside the shape of the candle shape holder that they 're more translucent .
28 Computer graphics should now make the same kind of inroads into feature film production that they already have in television .
29 Getting a good set of prints is not cheap , although there are less expensive rates for students and most actors have a stock of postcard size prints that they can send off at the merest rumour of work .
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