Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 After two months of production delays due to ‘ unprecedented demand ’ and a shortage of chips , Elonex Plc has churned out 17 new models of personal computers from its factory in North London : these comprise eight types of upgradable Intel Corp 80486-based desktops with local video bus — price ranges from £1,100 to £1,750 ; two higher entry-level desktops based on Intel 's 80486SX-25 chip — the PC-425XM Entry Level and the PC-425XB Entry Level start at £1,100 and will replace the former 20MHz PC-420X Entry Level models ; four types of WS-400 upgradeable LAN workstations based on processors ranging from 25MHz 80486SX to 66MHz 80486DX2 with Ethernet modules based on Advanced Micro Devices Inc PCnet AT chip set ; a Token Ring module will be released in due course using the IBM Corp Tropic chip set ; prices start at £950 ; and three fault-tolerant mirrored file server systems based on Novell Inc NetWare SFT III v3.11 are planned ; Elonex also intends to ship modular notebook personal computers this month .
2 As is well known , the superoxide radical can interact with hydrogen peroxide in the presence of iron to generate the hydroxyl radical , which is thought to be the most toxic reactant and to abstract methylene hydrogen atoms from polyunsaturated fatty acids , which initiates lipid peroxidation .
3 SunSelect today markets SunPC software , a high-performance personal computer emulation package with optional hardware acceleration SBus board products that enable MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows applications to run on Sparc systems under Solaris operating at 80486 speed .
4 The significant positive correlation of β-thromboglobulin to platelet malondialdehyde formation suggests that the enhanced platelet-release reaction may be in part linked to increased platelet prostaglandin synthesis in diabetic subjects ( Betteridge et al , 1981 ) , possibly leading to generation of unstable endoperoxides and thromboxanes which are powerful inducers of platelet aggregation and release reaction ( Hamberg et al , 1975 ) .
5 Although the findings indicated increased activity of the platelet prostaglandin pathway in diabetic subjects , they did not explain the increased platelet aggregation as these prostaglandins are not in themselves aggregatory .
6 An army will normally comprise elite foot companies of White Lions , Phoenix Guard , Sword Masters and the like forming the core supported by squadrons of Elven cavalry and larger regiments of spearmen and archers drawn from the Elven citizens of Ulthuan .
7 The aims then , as now , were to promote the use of the Heart of Wales line and railways in general , and to liaise with BR and other rail user groups with similar aims .
8 The changes include : 7.1.1 The abolition of the additional requirements allowance and the substitution of premiums to the Income Support Scheme for elderly and disabled people .
9 However , this conclusion was based solely on a comparison of income support levels with supplementary benefit rates .
10 On a bentwood kitchen chair of giant proportions was a very large man in a soutane , his sleeves rolled up , his enormous hands cradling the instrument and his head bent forward to listen .
11 If delivery with an unfavourable cervix is thought essential it may be better to deliver by elective lower segment caesarean section under epidural block than to risk the need for an emergency caesarean section under general anaesthesia in the middle of the night .
12 As our ‘ freezing point ’ , we 've used a base level IBM AT compatible with a clock speed of 8MHz , a 20MB MFM hard drive and a basic VGA graphics card .
13 They find significant differences in the neodymium isotope compositions of small and large eruptive sequences over the past 300,000 years .
14 Palaeontologists realised about 50 years ago that the separate elements were really part of a skeletal apparatus of some sort — perhaps the jaw apparatus or gill support structure of primitive vertebrates or invertebrates .
15 ‘ In today 's affluent society money is increasingly becoming less of a motivation , ’ said M Varlan , Celomer 's yacht division manager for southern Europe .
16 Although this is not considered to be very significant here , the improved measurement precision afforded by negative thermal ionization mass spectrometry over previous methods will exacerbate problems with 186 Os normalization , making a switch to 187 Os/ 188 Os desirable .
17 Clinton would slash $37.5bn from Bush 's defence budget proposals for fiscal years 1993–96 .
18 User Support Group for National Child Development Study
19 ‘ Jeff told me he 'd had a word with you about me and told you I had lots of experience teaching English to foreign students and that you wanted me to come and do the job . ’
20 In addition , a recent study has assessed platelet thromboxane production in insulin-dependent diabetics with and without coronary artery disease ( Butkus et al , 1982 ) .
21 ‘ We are working on a much more specific case study adverts in early 1994 that will build on the awareness of this campaign and will focus more on lead generation . ’
22 However , the Slovene authorities , anticipating the move , earlier in the day had moved the defence force command to temporary offices elsewhere in the city .
23 retain a copy of the Change Review Form for future reference
24 The CNAA had to decide not only the merits of the particular case , but whether it would be willing and able ( under its Charter ) to validate a teachers ' certificate as well as a degree , and how it might relate to the Area Training Organizations which had some responsibility for the teaching practice component of existing courses .
25 We have adapted a proprietary computer based data analysis programme for intestinal mucosa to study and assess the distribution of S phase cells and to estimate the crypt labelling index in surgical gastric mucosal biopsy specimens from various anatomical sites .
26 Given their manpower resources , it is not reasonable to expect the police to be able to enforce rigorously a large-scale , blanket speed limit in residential areas and it is apparent that they do not try to do so .
27 Expressiveness , on the other hand , can be extremely useful in building search strategies in computer-based systems .
28 Whether you are providing a 30 hour crash course for pre-intermediate students , or an 80 hour maintenance programme at post-proficiency level , you will find Fast Forward offers the right kind of material , the right amount of material , and the most balanced and effective approach for your learners .
29 Comprehension of stem cell biology of specific tissues has aided development of the above methods and may be approporiate for development of similar techniques , for the small bowel .
30 After a month 's stay at UCH ( University College Hospital in Central London ) I was transferred to specialist cardiologist Dr Jane Sommerville at the then National Heart Hospital .
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