Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] by [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Since the 1960s government 's major preoccupation has primarily been with the practices of investment appraisal adopted by its trading organizations , principally the nationalized industries .
2 The wedding ring worn by my Mother ,
3 So here , in effect , is a From Rock To Jazz column written by its readers !
4 At his farewell was presented with a silver chicken donated by his many customers .
5 Should you be successful in raising the required funding for your projects , then you will require specialist advice ( particularly when negotiating with the funding source ) on the financial structure of the new company , both in terms of gearing and should venture capitalists be involved , on the proportion of dilution of the equity stake held by yourselves as founder directors .
6 The Grand Trunk Canal promoted by him and his merchant associate Thomas Bently was set afoot in 1766 after the Duke of Bridgewater had already moved the line of his Runcorn cut to meet up at its northern end and complete the joining of the Trent and Mersey .
7 Sharon Griffiths , who was fifteen , died instantly when this Datsun Cherry driven by her sister Sandra was hit head on by a stolen car .
8 In the older Chinese cosmology Heaven ordains by its decree everything which man must accept as unalterable by his actions , the nature he is born with , the moral rules he should obey , the changes of fortune and the day of his death .
9 Dickie had just taken the entrance examination required by his father 's old public school .
10 WHAT HAPPENS in Foucault 's Pendulum is that three editors at a Milan publishing house , vetting manuscripts for a series of books on the occult , decide to amuse themselves by connecting up every conspiracy theory advanced by their half-baked authors and fabricating an elaborate master-plan which explains the whole of world history .
11 In ‘ Life is Just a Little Bowl of Cherries ’ ( 1982 ) , Audrey Walker recycles a tray cloth worked by her mother in the 130s , embroidering over it a classic still life motif : a bowl of cherries .
12 And last night the Welsh Office historic monuments department Cadw stood by their decision to preserve it .
13 Moreover , Richards also points out that burning of methane in this way is globally beneficial because it is a much more potent trapper of heat in the atmosphere than the equivalent carbon dioxide produced by its combustion ( section 5.3. 1 ) .
14 In addition a long-standing border dispute between the two states was aggravated by the Bodo agitation and the refugee problem caused by it [ see above ; p. 36694 ] .
15 MFN means giving a country the tariff treatment enjoyed by your least restricted trading partner .
16 It is the prime duty of the directors to check that they have complied with the law and that any investment advertisement issued by them on behalf of their company complies with , and contains the matters specified by , the law and by Stock Exchange and other regulations .
17 Embedded within the cytoplasm is the cell nucleus surrounded by its own special membrane .
18 In a non-randomised study in Ipswich among a group of 209 diabetics discharged to general practitioner care with agreed standards of medical follow up only 25% of patients had had their urine tested or blood glucose value estimated by their general practitioner in the previous two years .
19 Much of what we see today dates from their time : massive curtain walls , defended on the south and east by four flanking towers , two round and two square ; within , a large rectangular courtyard enclosure , terminated at its west end by the might circular donjon surrounded by its own moat , and on the east side a great hall and chapel .
20 Glasgow Justice & Peace group transformed by his coming to talk .
21 Even before he was consecrated , and perhaps as soon as he was elected , at a moment when , by ordinary rules of prudence , he should have been thinking of equipping himself with all the forms of expert knowledge required by his new position , he chose one of the group of English monks to be his closest and most constant companion .
22 Kata movement followed by its application 1 : from the kick block position .
23 APT partnerships were thought up by Engel and Rudman , a Denver-based law firm frustrated by its own high insurance premiums .
24 We had a big Welcome Home banner signed by everyone .
25 It 's not just a a peace treaty signed by it 's not just , er it 's not just a direct signing of a peace treaty between say France Britain , Russia .
26 Despite this constant criticism the ILP was working with the Communist controlled National Unemployed Workers Movement , and cooPerated in the Hunger Marches and Means Test agitation organized by them in November 1932 .
27 In July will be launching a new dry cat food made by us called ‘ 's Selection ’ — a very attractive product for which we have high expectations .
28 Thus just over a quarter of libraries were carrying out two-thirds of the formal management training noted by our sample , constituting an inequitable distribution of available expertise .
29 The village school attended by my father was a Church school : it had been founded and was originally funded by the National Society for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church ( was there ever a more eloquent title ? ) .
30 Previously a council house bought by its owners ; it 's now prey to vandals and a danger to inquisitive children .
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