Example sentences of "[noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] its " in BNC.

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1 The Skin Tonique comes in its own compact and stylish vanity case and would normally cost £19.95 but we have no less than TWELVE to give away !
2 As in the case of the central government , the new Bihar ministry relied for its survival on the outside support of the two communist parties and the BJP .
3 But he remained unjostled in his personal space , which was all too obviously dead space ; dead air ; unhappening ; the souvenir programme stayed in its plastic packet .
4 The accumulative power of the uptake carrier stems from its transport of inorganic ions such as sodium ( into the cell ) and potassium ( out of the cell ) .
5 We rose over the shoulder " of a hill , and suddenly it was there beneath us , looking glorious with the afternoon light sparkling on its rippled surface .
6 Conder 's management has also asked to have spaces in the remaining car park reserved for its staff .
7 THE Courtaulds Coatings site at Felling , UK , now has a Heartbeat healthy eating award to go with its sparkling new restaurant .
8 It follows also that gravity has a negligible effect on small animals , because their surface to volume ratio is so large : if , for example , a mouse was to be dropped down a 30-metre well-shaft it would be stunned , but would scamper away relatively intact because wind resistance acting on its relatively larger surface would counteract the pull of gravity .
9 If BR 's investment budget remains at its present level then many more lines will close .
10 Since the 1960s government 's major preoccupation has primarily been with the practices of investment appraisal adopted by its trading organizations , principally the nationalized industries .
11 Switching to the middle position allowed the neck pickup to play with its natural sound .
12 A new law setting out tough penalties for car theft goes through its final stages today.It was put through by Oxford West MP John Patten , Minister of State at the Home Office .
13 So here , in effect , is a From Rock To Jazz column written by its readers !
14 Although the numbers are small , this is considerably higher than the 1–3% level of isoniazid resistance and the 0.8% level of resistance to more than one drug that the Medical Research Council found in its survey of England and Wales in 1988 .
15 The Tokyo stock exchange fell to its lowest level in 3½ years on Sept. 28 on unfounded rumours that war had broken out in the Gulf .
16 It was the usual sequence : we 'd picked up this batch from the mass grave , in the woods , and stood waiting by the van on the approach road while the carbon monoxide went about its work .
17 In Yellowstone National Park in North America , the grizzly bear population benefited from its raids on the garbage heaps until these were fenced off .
18 Ding Dong Bell is another good nursery rhyme , and for this make a well out of a round piece of sponge cake laying on its side .
19 In the older Chinese cosmology Heaven ordains by its decree everything which man must accept as unalterable by his actions , the nature he is born with , the moral rules he should obey , the changes of fortune and the day of his death .
20 Thus each biopsy specimen acted as its own control .
21 Now it is free , and very agreeable it was on a spring morning to walk through its coppices and gardens of oak and maple , white roses and birches and every kind of shrub .
22 The project builds on the work on aspects of international security of the Mountbatten Centre for International Studies of the University of Southampton , a multi-disciplinary research centre situated within its Department of Politics .
23 Patrick spotted a Sandwich Tern going about its own business unperturbed by the golf .
24 Moreover , Richards also points out that burning of methane in this way is globally beneficial because it is a much more potent trapper of heat in the atmosphere than the equivalent carbon dioxide produced by its combustion ( section 5.3. 1 ) .
25 DEC has announced a rack-mounted version of the 160MHz DEC AXP 4000 distributed or department system launched at its bet-the- company Alpha RISC blitz back in November ( UX No 411 ) : the one or two processor Futurebus+-based Model 610 is rated at 132 SPECmark89 as a uniprocessor and comes with up to 512Mb memory — 2Gb by year-end .
26 They were n't just humming a chorus of ‘ North Sea Sunrise ’ , the jazz tribute to the industry which the Norwegian contractor Kvaerner commissioned for its reception at Aberdeen 's Beach Ballroom .
27 Embedded within the cytoplasm is the cell nucleus surrounded by its own special membrane .
28 The US presidential election campaign drew towards its Nov. 3 climax amidst intensive campaigning by Democratic Party nominee Bill Clinton and his Republican rival and incumbent President , George Bush .
29 Expressing some frustration with the polite middle-class tone of the dominant peace organizations , the Peace Crusade built on its links with the Glasgow Women 's Housing Association to organize daytime gatherings of housewives , soap-box meetings in working-class districts and mass open-air rallies .
30 Under s1(1) of SGSA 1982 it would seem that an exchange contract comes within its purview since it generally applies to contracts where " one person transfers or agrees to transfer to another the property in goods " .
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