Example sentences of "[noun sg] [am/are] [adv] [adj -er] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Jupiter is now known to have at least sixteen satellites , though the remainder are much smaller than the Galileans .
2 The disparities at the retail level are much bigger than those at the wholesale one .
3 Flaws in crystals at the atomic level are far smaller than the pits etched in a laser disc 's surface , so crystals can potentially pack more information into a given area .
4 Small-scale hydroelectric power , which has mostly already been exploited in Sweden , and biomass are both cheaper and quicker to implement than fossil fuels in India .
5 Racial intolerance and racism are probably greater than Scarman assumed .
6 Occasionally one comes across parents who take the opposite line , who show no interest at all in their children , and these of course are far worse than the doting ones .
7 However , the energies necessary to test a GUT or a TOE are unimaginably greater than anything that could be achieved on earth .
8 In tetrahedral there is no center of inversion ; this means that mixing between d and p orbitals is possible , and the bands in the visible spectrum are much stronger than for ( Fig. 6.22 ) .
9 Close to the centre however , lines of sight on the far side are actually brighter because the stellar densities sampled are almost the same , but the lines of sight on the far side traverse a longer path of stars .
10 ‘ The differences in our electorate are much bigger than for the conservative parties , ’ says Heidi Wieczorek-Zeul , a member of the party praesidium .
11 Rosettes , mats , cushions and tussocks create internal microenvironments that are more favourable to growth than the world outside ; temperatures and humidities measured among growing shoots in spring are usually higher than ambient , though soil and root temperatures may remain lower .
12 In the centre of the layer this transport is brought about by the first term of eqn ( 22.11 ) : essentially just the fact that rising currents in the convection are typically hotter than falling ones .
13 See that launch at Lincolnshire , their P R department are far bigger than ours
14 With positive inducements to continuous employment in one firm and severe constraints on mobility , it is hardly surprising that Japanese rates of labour turnover are now lower than in the West .
15 None of the , you know , certainly none of the Univers Helvetica stuff is remotely interesting — the Grotesque are all better than that .
16 It may not be a comfortable fact , but there are clear signs that public appreciation of science and the humanities , of research and scholarship are perhaps worse than they ever were , and that most members of the public see these things as simply irrelevant to their daily lives .
17 The number densities of craters on the maria are far lower than on the highlands , indicating , as outlined in section 3.3.4 , that the maria surfaces are younger .
18 Third , the space requirements for such a file are considerably greater than those for a serial file .
19 The two men on the left are both about 5 foot 9 inches tall and reasonably built ; the two on the right are much bigger and one of them — the one in the middle — is the leader of the gang .
20 For Western economies such as the UK the challenge in cutting emissions is even greater because emissions per head of population are much higher than in most developing countries .
21 The ratios obtained by triangulation are somewhat smaller than those produced by Methods 1–3 .
22 Guide-posts of a sort are much older than milestones .
23 In the Atlantic O. dominans bears closet affinity with O. fasciculata Lyman , 1883 , found off St. Kitts , Leeward Is ( Fig. 29 ) but differs by the following characters ; the plates of the disk are much larger and fewer in number than in O. fasciculata ; the oral shield is irregular or hourglass in shape , not arrowhead shaped as in O. fasciculata , finally the shape of the tentacle scales simple and spine-like in O. dominans but leaf-like or with a broad base and an acute tip in O. fasciculata .
24 This means that the number of dots per square inch are much smaller and the amount of processing required by the sending fax machine is much less .
25 The suggestion is that computers can be programmed to process discourse in a similar way to human beings , though the complexity of human language competence and human knowledge are far greater than those of any existing computer .
26 Protozoa are much larger than bacteria or viruses , although still not visible to the naked eye .
27 There is no reason to think that their intuitions about /a/ are necessarily better than those of foreign scholars .
28 The difficulties and the sheer financial costs of compensation for dismissal and recruitment and training of a replacement are considerably greater than those of intervention and treatment .
29 In addition , women 's earnings on average are far lower than men 's so almost certainly women will earn a lower earnings-related component than men .
30 A consequence of these differences in the early years of marriage and childbearing is that fertility levels are much higher among those who live in the local authority rather than the owner-occupied sector — and fertility differentials by housing tenure are much greater than other conventionally used socio-economic variables such as social class , female employment , education , or income ( see figure 7.5 ) .
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