Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] may [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nor do I consider that any in-house tariff which may exist in the Home Office need be disclosed .
2 On the other hand the farm worker has been placed in control of important and costly pieces of farm investment which may run into many thousands of pounds .
3 The durability of the Royal Scotsman over five long seasons of operation , with the top tour price now only a short step away from £3,000 was proven by 1989 , but even as this book was being prepared for press , there were changes in the wind which may prove to be a sterner test of the depth of the elitist train-tour market .
4 Many families have only one car which may have to be reserved for the use of the nurse 's spouse and others have no car at all .
5 For example , in 1990 the European Community and the Soviet Union were working on a joint nuclear safety programme which may result in the closing , or radical upgrading , of up to 25 Soviet nuclear reactors .
6 The fundamental opposition which may erupt between economy and society was noted by Simmel , who observed that the merchant is identified with the relative autonomy and abstraction of flexible exchange and is therefore often , as ‘ stranger ’ , held in an ambiguous and partially anomalous relation to the host society ( e.g. Simmel 1950 : 402–8 ) .
7 This chapter has reviewed a wide range of research which may bear on relationships between subjective risk and memory for driving situations .
8 That 's what some divorced people told Gwynn Davis in a Bristol study which may lead to law reform .
9 Other sherds of this large beaker show the arm of Jupiter grasping the fulmen ( lightning flash ) ( fig. 14.34b ) and a hand grasping a purse which may belong to Mercury , ( fig. 14.34d ) and the top of a Bacchic thyrsus of grapes and vine leaves ( fig. 14.34c ) .
10 You will also have to be prepared to overlook sudden flashes of anger or periods of irritability which may seem to be aimed at you but which are much more likely to be an expression of her natural resentment of the disaster that has befallen her .
11 Other students from outside the UK attending a British university for a course lasting over six months are entitled to free care for any medical condition which may arise during their stay in the UK .
12 Small consultancy operators and free-lancers dart in and out , bringing a highly personalized service and offering what may appear to be a cheap rate for the job .
13 Subject to the policy terms and endorsements , we will insure you against certain legal liability , loss or damage which may occur during any period of insurance which we have accepted your premium for .
14 Given that a very precise and reliable estimate of a required yield is unattainable anyway , the problems of both interdependence and estimation of covariances from key factors may be less severe if financial analysts work with the more homogeneous SBU as the unit of classification , rather than with a division which may contribute to various corporate business activities .
15 Discussing the implementation of partnership in validation , the Sociological Studies Board , for example , heard concern about the ‘ apparent lack of sympathy which may exist in institutions ’ internal monitoring and validation procedures to academic developments in sociology , in that the views expressed may be harsher and more inhibiting than those expressed by the Board' .
16 SOURCE a broad category which may refer to , for example , program code , command files , text describing software design , or even source text for word processing .
17 Management considers that adequate provision has been made for any liability which may arise in respect of the years 1981 to 1983 .
18 These placements are of value in allowing students to add a practical dimension to their theoretical studies of the working of different aspects of Irish society , and in providing work experience which may lead to improved career opportunities .
19 But when you spend it when you 're spending your income you 're not accumulating your capital , so this person in five years time , although they 've had their income which may vary between seven and thirteen percent , their ten thousand is still ten thousand pounds , and obviously that would have devalued in real terms against inflation , which is the other problem .
20 The return on any form of investment may be defined as follows , where r is the return on security i in time t + I , P is the price of security i in periods t and t + I , and D is the income which may accrue to that security during period t+ 1 .
21 If you countersign this letter in agreement , we will treat you as such for the purpose of regulated work which may arise in the course of future assignments .
22 The research examines the available literature on the processes of accountability which may exist within such arrangements .
23 This is particularly significant with regard to some areas of sexual law which may need to be taken into account by social workers .
24 Other countries , such as Pakistan , allow uncontrolled exploitation which may lead to the extinction of many wild plants .
25 A memo may carry a reference which may consist of the sender 's and typist 's initials and/or a reference number
26 It is a short step from drawing the simplified skeletal figures to drawing a mannequin which may serve as a basis for the fully fleshed-out human being .
27 It is a short step from drawing the simplified skeletal figures to drawing a mannequin which may serve as a basis for the fully fleshed-out human being .
28 Each level is accompanied by a Teacher 's Book which includes , for each chapter , a description of the teaching aims of the chapter , vocabulary which may need to be pre-taught , notes on the presentation , grammar and exercise sections , ideas for additional activities and answers to the exercises .
29 That 's an attitude which may change with time because everyone who goes to Grendon is affected one way or another , staff and prisoners.tomorrow we see how much good has been done when they finish .
30 More positively , Article 100A(4) may be seen as the price to be paid for the acceptance of a system of decision-making which may lead to the enactment of Community legislation in areas still subject to national measures .
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