Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [vb base] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Many companies currently in existence have ‘ objects clauses ’ in their memoranda of association which run to several pages in an attempt to ensure that the company will have the power to do anything the directors feel it needs to do .
2 Material is continually arriving deep within the mass of dead-looking rock , however , and the pressure of this imperceptibly forces up spines of solid lava which rise in jagged battlements along the crest of the dome .
3 Will he also tell him that the first priority must be to reform the common agricultural policy , to remove the losses from fraud which occur within that policy and , especially , to bring about a successful conclusion to the GATT negotiations ?
4 The savings calculated in the EC study which result from open access in Europe are based on improbable assumptions .
5 Under the heading of coarse fishing there are different types of fishing which concentrate on one species an example of this is Carp fishing .
6 According to the labour supply function , changes in the employment of labour which flow from prior changes in aggregate demand will not call forth changes in money wages when the initial state is one of less than full employment .
7 She sent us a draft copy and she deserves success for all the hard work she has put into researching the variations in tension which occur from one make of machine to another .
8 We saw that this term was used very generally to describe various sorts of tension which arise in social practices , or between them , and which may provoke changes in the structure of society .
9 Position the folds in the fabric which form below each pleat by running your fingers down the length of the curtain .
10 Do many or most of the important symptoms of the remedy which appear in bold type match the strongest symptoms of the case ?
11 His visit to Egypt occasions notices in al-Makrizi , Ibn Hajar and al-Sayrafi which agree in most respects and of which that of Ibn Hajar is the most detailed .
12 All lamps have a built-in passive infra red sensor which react to invisible thermal radiation emitted by people or other sources of heat .
13 This presents gaps in the text which surprise at first , but then allow the imagination to intervene and to draw on the richness and depth of the images to fill the spaces with one 's own interpretation .
14 The various forms of Al locative discrimination which operate against black students have been the subject of several investigations .
15 Friendship is the channel by which the knowledge — the joys — the faith — the hope which belong to one class may pass to all classes .
16 Now , it is , of course , true that many countries exhibit fearful nationalistic reactions of this kind which appear as violent hostility to minority groups .
17 Parents can use a repertoire of techniques for behaviour change which build on each other .
18 This complexity is ignored by many of the approaches to ideology which have in common a tendency towards what may be termed ‘ objectivism ’ , a term which emphasizes a general antipathy towards a subject- or agency-centered perspective .
19 For example , types of worker resistance which derive from spontaneous , unofficial initiatives on the part of groups of workers often benefit from a degree of tacit legitimacy , in the sense that those in authority may ‘ turn a blind eye ’ to various workshop practices .
20 While his job lacks the other features of the policeman 's work which lead to social isolation ( cf.
21 There are powerful undercurrents in the 1988 Education Act which pull in this direction .
22 Provisions of this Act which apply to licensed canteens
23 Those being the relevant facts , I turn to consider the important issues of law which arise on this appeal .
24 A limited-plan approach uses the historical budget as a foundation and then costs the priorities — that is , those elements of the School Development Plan which focus on desirable change .
25 The rationale for this programme , selected by Ian Vines , is the provision of points of reference which arise between two very different phases of artistic response to the traditional focus for the sculptor , the human figure .
26 Research has shown that hormones are released during exercise which act as natural anti-depressants ( endomorphines ) .
27 By contrast , in " pre-industrial " societies there are often a variety of media of exchange which circulate in different social spheres but which are not interchangeable in any straight-forward fashion .
28 Some examples of one-to-one correspondence which arise in particular activities are given below .
29 There are several dozen pairs of two-syllable words with identical spelling which differ from each other in stress placement , apparently according to word class ( noun , verb or adjective ) .
30 For example , we can observe an emerging conflict between the equal opportunities/human rights agenda of the centre-left as evidenced in the recent Labour Party policy document Every Child a Special Child ( 1991 ) , and the assimilationist policies of the right which run throughout educational legislation since 1983 and are enshrined in the statute books .
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