Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [pers pn] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is a measure of the enthusiasm which he observed that , when Sadler duly provided a reading-list — tactfully headed with the ‘ King 's Book ’ , an episcopal compilation in which Henry VIII had had a hand — he felt it necessary to advise caution ; religious works circulating too freely had their own dangers , as Henry had recognized , when he passed an act in that year forbidding the reading of them by unfit groups , women , artificers and labourers .
2 And obviously we 've come up with a plan which I hope that Didcot people would enjoy .
3 ‘ A circumstance which I doubt that his mother , the Lady Claudia , will greet warmly . ’
4 And if there 's any areas or warnings of concern which you feel that you 've both got , because he might think , he 's got any , he 's concerned about an area , but you do n't see it as a concern , and you allay his fears .
5 Every year that I have been Minister with responsibility for housing — it is now six years — the Housing Executive has suggested an amount which it hopes that the Government will give it , while knowing perfectly well that it will not get all that it asks for .
6 Er I th I think if the honourable member pays attention he will appreciate that the boundaries are the nub of the issue in terms of er electoral systems and the common electoral system to which this country is a signatory in agreeing that that should be where we are er headed , is a principle which I believe that this er commission should have been asked to address , it should have been what was happening er at this time in the history of the European parliament , should have happened long ago but sadly it 's a principle which both Labour and Conservative governments in the past have preferred to ignore frankly for their own electoral benefit .
7 ( 4 ) In determining the value of an action under paragraph ( 1 ) ( a ) : ( a ) the sum which the plaintiff or applicant reasonably expects to recover shall be reduced by the amount of any debt which he admits that he owes to a defendant in that action and which arises from the circumstances which give rise to the action ; ( b ) no account shall be taken of a possible finding of contributory negligence , except to the extent , if any , that such negligence is admitted ; ( c ) where the plaintiff seeks an award of provisional damages as described in s 32A(2) ( a ) of the Supreme Court Act 1981 , no account shall be taken of the possibility of a future application for further damages ; ( d ) the value shall be taken to include sums which , by virtue of s 22 of the Social Security Act 1989 , are required to be paid to the Secretary of State .
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