Example sentences of "[noun sg] [Wh det] [verb] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Also , as an immigrant to Canada , I can affirm it 's more pleasant living where problems are met with cheerful optimism instead of the sullen whining which passes for debate in Britain .
2 In Such an alternative world is proposed , a world of indeterminacy which allows for variation and flux , with a theory of identity to match it .
3 We will continue to look closely at mergers in the brewing industry which fall for consideration under the fair trading legislation .
4 The defenders were unsuccessful in their arguments on the interpretation of the clause in the contract which provided for payment of 75 per cent of the price on delivery .
5 The food division which accounts for 64pc of the Co-op 's sales in the North-East increased its turnover by 11.4pc to £257.5m , taking a large slice of market share from its main competitors .
6 Seldom , if ever , in the last 10 years has the world governing body of cricket made a decision which called for guts .
7 At low tide the bed of the estuary was mainly hard packed sand which stretched for miles , up and downstream , and for most of its mile width .
8 Under the existing byelaws , complaints relating to non-reserved work which account for 80% of all the complaints that the Institute receives — can only be investigated against individuals .
9 Second , there is empirical work which looks for evidence that fiscal considerations play any part at all in the decision of individuals to reside in a particular locality .
10 What all ( bar for some reason ‘ Memorial ’ Vol. 1 ) have in common is the inclusion of takes from the now-famous November 26th 1945 quintet session which represents for jazz — and bebop in particular — something akin to what Woodstock would later be for another generation ( but without the audience participation ) .
11 I am satisfied , therefore , that the issue which arises for determination , that is whether it is in the children 's interests that the mother should be permitted to live with them in England or whether they should be brought up in Australia where they could have more frequent contact with their father , may properly be determined in either court .
12 And this album continues that tradition , presenting a boggling variety of melody and pace , which , only once , on ‘ You Surround Me ’ , resorts to the awful ‘ Oxygene'-style bubbling rumble which passes for rhythm in the world where the programmer is king .
13 ‘ Darlington Business Venture helped me put a package together and draw up a business plan which qualified for Enterprise Allowance . ’
14 An attitude which had for generations seemed common-sense now appeared archaic , part of a vanishing world .
15 Thus , on Sunday , I hooted in disbelief when A Year In Provence focused on the natives ' preoccupation with hunting a local , woodland fungus which sells for £100 a pound .
16 You could see the filth heaving with them as you peered through the crudely cut holes in the wood which served for seats , and sometimes they would crawl out through these holes and invade the neighbouring parts of the camp .
17 The second question which arises for determination is whether the proceeding before the justice or justices , if there happens to be more than one justice before whom the person arrested is brought under section 7(5) , necessitates the giving of evidence on oath with the opportunity to the person arrested or his legal representative to cross-examine and the person arrested having the opportunity to give evidence himself , before the justice of the peace may properly form an opinion on the matters set out in paragraphs ( a ) and ( b ) .
18 Interested groups are informed on a weekly basis which allows for feedback from areas like Lagos site , potential fields expertise , the Vietnam group and line management .
19 A second consideration against allowing consent to political authority general validity turns on the undesirability of allowing the validity of consent which binds for life , is open-ended , and affects wide-ranging aspects of a person 's life .
20 On the other hand , when the Greater London Council was abolished in 1986 , County Hall on the south bank of the Thames became vested in the London Residuary Body which applied for planning permission to use the main block for mixed hotel , residential and general office purposes unconnected with any local government functions .
21 As a consequence there is no one body which speaks for teachers or presents a considered and constructive view of education .
22 It may well be that there are good reasons for following customary practices or for rejecting them in favour of new ones , but teachers ought to know what these reasons are , for it is this knowledge which provides for adaptability , the alternative realization of principles through techniques appropriate to different instructional settings .
23 The pre-modern relationship which prevailed for centuries has just as enduring an influence .
24 But close matching in terms of age and sex and other attributes is not the only social factor which makes for choice of fieldworker ; attitudes to males and females also need to be taken into account .
25 Conditions were no better , and possibly worse , on the Ettrick which made for Canada with 220 RCM boys on board .
26 There was indeed a reign of euphemism and of ostensible delicacy which prevented for instance the novel from being too explicit , bowdlerised Shakespeare 's plays , alluded to prostitution as the ‘ social evil ’ and gonorrhoea and syphilis as the ‘ social diseases ’ .
27 The visit ended on Sept. 28 with the signing of a communiqué which called for negotiations aimed at the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries .
28 Mr Milne said : ‘ The NFFO has no remit whatsoever to talk for Scotland which is , of course , by far the more important part of the UK fishing industry .
29 The sale opened will with a miniature armour of good quality which sold for £2,000 , four times the top estimate .
30 This requirement is no different from any other kind of groupwork which allows for variation in pace of working and provides alternative tasks for those who finish first .
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