Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] could be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Until now , at least publicly , the society has played down the level of anxiety ; it has resisted taking any action that could be seen as anti-government .
2 Mr. Dear says that almost no action that could be registered and measured by Her Majesty 's inspector has yet been taken by the police committee .
3 Does he agree that the most effective action that could be taken to end homelessness would be if Labour-controlled London councils brought back into use the many thousands of empty homes under their control ?
4 They asked the individual chief officers to prepare reports to the committees on action that could be taken on the detailed recommendations of Friends of the Earth .
5 ( i ) Describe briefly an experiment that could be carried out to obtain these results in the laboratory .
6 Though the current talk is about establishing multinational units and of creating a European rapid-deployment force that could be sent off at short notice to cope with unexpected contingencies , Europe 's armies have too many of the wrong sorts of forces , doing the wrong jobs .
7 At least one high-readiness multinational corps is expected to be a rapid-deployment force that could be sent from central Europe to keep the peace or do battle elsewhere .
8 I want you , but I have no intention of giving you a plain gold ring or any other ring that could be held against me as a pledge .
9 Although case studies were carried out in Scotland as well as in England , the report makes no estimate of the level of investment that could be released north of the Border .
10 Generosity , however , was not an emotion that could be found in many Palestinian hearts in Lebanon , and the hatred that burned in 1948 was eagerly taken up by a new generation .
11 She guessed that what was being said was that Piphros was the control , the experiment running alongside the real one , that indicated the result that could be expected with a known norm .
12 NME news editor Chris Hutchin interviewed Elvis ' manager and found that Colonel Tom Parker had yet to see any of his charge 's films : ‘ I went to see Kid Galahad but the theatre was full an ’ I did n't see the point of taking a seat that could be sold to a paying customer . ’
13 Because of this Barro treats as the best prediction that could be made by rational agents of the value of .
14 Their leader , George Plekhanov ( 1856–1918 ) , wrote the founding texts of Russian Marxism , spelling out with crystal clarity the implications for Russia 's future that could be drawn from Marx 's socio-economic analysis .
15 For example , it gave news of ships in peril that could be seen from Fanefjord but not from Elmelunde ; of fires raging in the forest near Magleby that could not be seen at Børre ; of women in labour , requiring the services of a midwife .
16 They rode a wave for a while , thinking they saw a pool of talent that could be exploited and a cultural scene rich in potential stories which , together with the relative cheapness of British film production , would be enough to guarantee success .
17 And Skillbase markets their skills to other organisations as well , calling it ‘ executive leasing ’ ( or for highest positions ‘ interim management ’ — perhaps a term that could be applied to Sir Len Peach 's stint at the NHS ) .
18 But his claim to be able to represent the three major philosophical schools of the Vedānta does not prevent him from regarding Truth ( Satya ) as the most correct and most fully significant term that could be used for God .
19 Erm we asked the question about the aircraft 's reduced operational capabilities as far as Britain is concerned , we were told that there was no reduction , erm there was no percentage figure that could be produced but w now what about the other countries , I mean , which countries are asking for what to be omitted and by how much is the percentage , in percentage terms er is the performance of the aircraft reduced in those cases and further on from that , picking up something that that Wing Com er Group Captain Granville White has just mentioned which i is the question of sales .
20 A caring parent would pay a penny or tuppence for some old coat or skirt that could be cut up to meet the needs of some child .
21 The lounge was as big and as bare as a dance studio , with three evenly-spaced sets of french windows on one side that could be opened out onto the unlit stone terrace ; the floor was of deeply polished boards with no carpet , the furniture was mostly plain white leather , and at the focus stood a hi-fi system which looked like a stolen chunk of a space shuttle .
22 There is little in this which is peculiar to a solicitors ' partnership dispute but with regard to the last noted remedy the court recognises the great and possibly irreparable harm that could be done by appointing a receiver over a professional firm and may be reluctant to make such an order at the behest of one disaffected partner ( see Floydd v Cheney [ 1970 ] Ch 602 and Sobell v Boston [ 1975 ] 1 WLR 1587 ) .
23 I suggest that the best aid that could be given to East Timor would be an arms embargo on Indonesia until an independent United Nations inquiry has been held into the slaughter of many defenceless men , women and children by the Indonesian army .
24 The use of investment tax credits , so that firms can offset some of the cost of capital equipment against corporation tax liability , is one instrument that could be assigned to this target .
25 As commander-in-chief — he would not co-operate with Spanish generals on any other terms — Wellington was loth to regard native troops as an instrument that could be used with safety in battle .
26 Possibly the greatest compliment that could be paid to the PFF — and that accidentally — was near the end of the war when the Command was strong enough for each Group to mount an attack on a single target , but generally supported by the full paraphernalia of hard-won pathfinding techniques .
27 The map , drawn up by the Joint Nature Conservation Committee , highlights waters off up to 10 per cent of the British coast that could be designated as special areas for conservation under the directive , but so far discussion of the sites has been confined to marine scientists within the British statutory nature conservation bodies .
28 The working principle is that obstructions are built into the lock to prevent the wrong shape of key from working the mechanism , and similar designs of lock are still use today ( although it has been suggested that the Romans were not able to invent a lock that could be operated from both sides of a door ) .
29 Similarly , important physicists on the Continent corresponded with him , and were amazed and delighted by his discoveries ; but the lines of force seemed somehow unscientific , a scaffolding that could be ignored when the building was completed .
30 He declared that his new government would not " create another condition that could be used as a pretext to overthrow it " .
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