Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] would [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 This thick tash must be accompanied by a large cigar and the refusal to go to any club that would have you as a member • Nabisco takes over disco as this year 's club theme .
2 You might go and collect , oh er what Coliupe Collium , Collium Maculatum , spotted come up , you 'd go and cut it , you know , bring it in , get the Succus Conium that would keep you going , you know , sometimes he would he 'd say Oh blast you , we used two garlands of it .
3 If this fails to hold the situation then review the case and see if there have been any changes or new information come to light that would enable you to select a more similar remedy which could carry on the work of the first remedy .
4 It is well defended ; by a storm that would surprise you .
5 ‘ It was the sort of smell that would make you sick , like raw sewage .
6 I knew your ways , that streak of obstinacy that would make you always run counter , even as an infant .
7 Some people will actually say , if I could add something to the plan that would cost you just a little bit more , which means that if you 're off work through illness , the company , Abbey will pay the premiums for you , would you be prepared to pay a bit more .
8 ‘ I would love to shoot from a blimp — a lovely , solid platform that would let you get long exposures at night .
9 Because ideally if , if , if a dream was really gon na work it would disguise the anxiety under some reassuring manifest content that would stop you feeling anxious and therefore waking , would n't it ?
10 All you have to do is draw all the little bits of an object and push them all together to make a silhouette of the object and then performing one combine operation joins them all together to make an outline that would take you a lot longer to draw in one piece .
11 I 've never found that a congenial notion ; it seemed to me that there were ways to be quite contemporary and yet go at the art in a fashion that would allow you to tell complicated stories simply for the aesthetic pleasure of complexity of complication and unravelment , suspense , and the rest .
12 ‘ It 's not the kind of thing that would influence you , of course , ’ says Caroline , ‘ but the prospects would be quite good . ’
13 Believe me , Richard , there is no court in the land that would believe you did not know what you were signing .
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