Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] i [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A couple of funny looks later and I realised I also had to head off the perception that I wanted to hire a sex cave for outré rumpy pumpy with a slew of bimbo victims .
2 Yet it was as though that night , in the moonlight , in the silence , as though even the work , the months of steady labour , had only been an illusion , only the dream of work , the dream of progress , and I had not even begun and never would begin , though at different moments in my life I might have had the illusion that I had begun and even , perhaps , finished .
3 It was whilst working my way through this , often writing in the column headings for several pages in advance to give myself the illusion that I had completed more than I actually had , that two important suspicions that had lain dormant for some time rose up and took on the aspect of horribly credible hypotheses .
4 The hon. Gentleman made a totally false comparison before he made the totally false allegation that I had misled the House .
5 Food was short and for two days I was kept running round trying to buy up supplies , with the result that I had to retire to bed with blistered feet .
6 I was pleased with this reflection , and so convoluted is the human mind that I ceased to take pride in my lack of pride and was proud that I had found myself capable of it .
7 It was with this old — and , to my mind , unresolved — dispute at the back of my mind that I came to write ‘ Hylas Fights Back ’ .
8 Well , I 'd just been paid , so there was no problems about me having money to score , so I think I 'd just set me mind that I wanted to sort meself out once and for good .
9 It was at this stage of my search that I started to find lead weights .
10 For example , when I first lived alone I used to be in a state of anxiety every time I left the house , for fear that I had forgotten something .
11 A woman 's number was at the bottom of the Time Out piece and it was with some feelings of fear that I decided to ring it , not knowing who or what I would find .
12 Under the high side there was a grey Buick that I had seen Harvey driving and a long black Lincoln Continental that looked like the President of the United States had come over for pizza and beer .
13 It jumped easily over the rocks and I saw with horror the monster that I had created .
14 She suggested in that shoddy little newspaper interview that I 'd broken up her marriage … but let's not talk of it , Gregory , please .
15 This noticeboard had already played a significant part in my life : nearly thirty years before then it had displayed the result of my own first degree ( second-class honours ) ; a few years later had come the perfunctory notice saying my doctoral thesis had been accepted by the college ; and shortly after that an even briefer note to the effect that I had joined the teaching staff .
16 When I reached Ostend at midday on 16th there was no ticket but only a message to the effect that I had to buy another one .
17 ‘ There speaks the man who drove us here at such breakneck speed that I began to take pity on his poor Ferrari 's engine .
18 I stopped to take a photograph of one estancia that I knew belonged to a Scottish family who had lived there for five generations : even from two miles away I could hear the rhythmic clattering of the tin roof as it was lifted and dropped by the gales .
19 It is the one orchestral instrument that I learned to play when I was young .
20 I told an uninterested reception clerk that I had to catch the boat train ( let them look for me in Calais , I thought .
21 With that my respondent turned and attacked the ice with such ferocity that I had to step back to avoid the avalanche of detritus .
22 I came in knowing that that was going to happen , so erm yo I think also I had the the freedom that I had chosen to live there , and I think that made erm the difference .
23 ‘ But afterwards , I found that the noise that I had heard was the springing of rivets .
24 Perhaps I was sent to the chippie , or café up the street to fetch cigarettes , or lemonade , or to go at full haste and deliver a note to one of his girl-friends ; or maybe he simply wanted to chastise me for something I had done , as for instance when I inadvertently got him into hot water by mentioning to Mum that I had seen him with a girl ( an infamous young woman ) after he had faithfully promised not to see her again , ever .
25 I did n't tell your mum that I 'd got it on you see she said now all that I 've been saying !
26 I 'd been so preoccupied with the physical results of my condition for the last hour that I 'd forgotten its other effects .
27 and financial circumstances and erm , this was something of course that I had to leave to the people who were working got himself another job .
28 I told my GP that I intended going to Bristol as soon as I was well enough .
29 It was the longest afternoon that I had known and it was worse when I heard the sound of tea being prepared downstairs for this made me even more hungry .
30 I had a very scientific explanation about periods from my mum , with a warning not to tell my father or younger sister that I 'd started .
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