Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [was/were] to be " in BNC.

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31 He proposed a test , based on communication via teletypes with an unseen entity that was to be at first a human and then a computer , and if the human interlocutor , who had been told he was communicating on the subject of the differences between men and women , failed to notice that a machine had been substituted for the original human partner in the dialogue , then the machine was deemed to have passed the test , and Turing suggested we might as well speak of such a successful machine as thinking by polite convention , just as , ‘ instead of arguing continually … it is usual to have a polite convention that everybody thinks ’ .
32 The pair arrived with money and dispatches written in invisible ink that were to be handed over to one of the leaders of the insurrectionary party in Spain , currently conspiring to get rid of the autocratic King Ferdinand and currently enjoying the support of idealistic and poetical young Englishmen .
33 I am bound to say that I do not believe that this debate has reached the level of fizz that one might have associated with a Bill that was to be fought doggedly tooth and nail by the Opposition .
34 Aitken began mapping out the song that was to be one of the biggest hits of the 1980s .
35 Already as a young man of twenty-four he had pressed Eliot 's claims upon his seniors , John Crowe Ransom and Donald Davidson , in the circle of the Nashville ‘ fugitives ’ ; and this initially provincial dispute was played out on a national stage as early as 1923 when , in the New York Evening Post Literary Review , Ransom , with the courtly composure that was to be his hallmark , tried to promote Robert Graves before Eliot , only to be taken to task in the same columns by his younger associate .
36 Ealing 's Meet Mr Lucifer ( 1953 ) defined the new medium 's effect on audiences as largely negative and , by distinguishing the communal address of cinema from television 's attention to the individual , established a line of attack that was to be much used later .
37 The sobering experience of war , which now determined Nietzsche 's general outlook , affected his thoughts about the tragic spirit that were to be embodied in the coming book .
38 Everywhere there was a new spirit of intellectual enquiry , a spirit that was to be associated not with the old monasteries but with new centres of learning and of study in the towns and connected more with secular masters than with monks .
39 FIRST CHRISTMAS : Rachel and baby Alex at Christmas in 1989 … happiness that was to be shattered by a madman
40 The actual pension that was to be provided , about a quarter of average earnings , was rather modest in comparison to the pensions provided in most other Western European states .
41 A priori then , it would seem that Ho Chi Minh and his government were only to be regarded as an extension of Soviet power ; an assumption that was to be reinforced by the second constraint which originated in the Department of State .
42 While in Athens she had got her hall-porter to place a successful bet for her on a horse called Beethoven , and I am sure she was acting on the best information that was to be had .
43 It recommended that Section 2 be replaced by a new Act that would define more narrowly the information that was to be protected ; restricted categories would cover confidential material about defence , foreign affairs and currency reserves , information concerning law enforcement and information provided for the government by an individual or private concern .
44 The remainder of Cynthia 's visit was spent in supporting Dorothy 's arm while she wrote a letter that was to be given to the solicitor — a Mr Graham Lytham of Messrs Granby , Hemingford and Bowles — and handed in person to Dorothy 's son when he received his gift .
45 I was just let off for an afternoon to sit my first year Sociology exam and then I came into the hospital that was to be my home for the next three years .
46 The two men eventually fell into conversation , the late-comer explaining that he was a director of the railway company and that he was interested in a new branch line that was to be opened .
47 There are signs that their enterprise was resented , a foretaste of the accusations of selfish materialism that were to be pinned on Catalans for a hundred years to come .
48 The whole sorry enterprise generated a cynicism that was to be heightened by the Watergate scandal , which emerged as the tragedy of Vietnam was moving to its last stages ( p. 104 ) .
49 Bukharin thus posed the problem facing the Bolsheviks in its starkest form , a problem that was to be hotly debated for nearly a decade to come .
50 Once they 'd moved in , it took them three years just to make the necessary structural changes , but with a neglected 350-year-old house that was to be expected .
51 Some thought this a better idea to using the Henly legacy — but it was the legacy that was to be used after all , as opposition to selling land mounted .
52 The result was a single national airline that was to be the so-called ‘ chosen instrument ’ for British air services : British Overseas Airways Corporation ( BOAC ) .
53 In emergency situations , it seemed , constitutional niceties had no place and the chief executive had to be allowed a free hand , an ominous precedent that was to be followed by a series of major military initiatives by presidents with little or no regard to the war power of congress .
54 Not only do they represent the first substantial draft of much of the material that was to be more fully worked out there .
55 I have read of a good bishop that was to be burnt for his religion ; and he tried how he could bear it , by putting his fingers into the lighted candle : so I t' other day tried , when Rachel 's back was turned , if I could not scour a pewter plate she had begun .
56 I have read of a good bishop that was to be burnt for his religion .
57 This second study differed only in that during initial training the subjects received conditioning trials with a different stimulus ( a light ) in the context that was to be used for the test .
58 He exulted in the triumph of the new order now established in Germany and the new justice that was to be applied to his racial and cultural antagonists .
59 However , the first working-class terraced houses were already being built on Everton Road , a street that was to be described in 1875 as ‘ a dense thoroughfare of a somewhat shabby and second rate character ’ .
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