Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [vb past] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Of course he had asked her if she was quite certain and she said she was , quite certain , but now he wondered if it was mere association that had made her agree , association and horror .
2 As soon as she reached the club , as soon as she was back in the public eye , she would have to switch on the false persona that had carried her through the past week .
3 That weeping was his weeping ; the grief that had overwhelmed him for so long .
4 Was it some insensitivity in his nature that had failed to respond to the nuances of the relationship , some obtuseness of perception that had prevented him from seeing , as it still prevented him from understanding ?
5 She shivered as she recalled the terrible blackness that had invaded her home and had clung to and coated the village on that night when she had heard the voices .
6 It was as if there was something out there — or perhaps several somethings — struggling to break free of a force that had held them for a very long time .
7 In Canada the British not only deluded themselves that they had defeated the axiom ; they also imagined it was the federal ingredient that had enabled them to do the trick .
8 But Arsenal began to display some of the tidy , organised football that had brought them four consecutive victories and they were rewarded with a superb equaliser 16 minutes from time when Campbell latched onto Martin Keown 's long pass , ghosted past two defenders and hammered the ball home .
9 And in the storm of emotion that threatened to overwhelm her there was only room for one thought .
10 Writing to his mother and father , he said he wanted to explain that it was n't extravagance that had led him to buy not one coat but two , and two pairs of trousers .
11 Industry was geared up , under Lend Lease , to produce the armaments that would defeat Hitler , and also pull the country finally and forever out of the stagnation that had crippled it for a decade .
12 It was Woil 's voice , desperate to see the same fear that had stopped him finding freedom now overtaking Creggan .
13 There was a silence and then she swore , remembering the fear that had convulsed her .
14 He had taken the name of Varna from the name of the port from which he had sailed but he had lived his life in terror of deportation , a fear that had haunted him long after it had ceased to be a real threat , so that he had never been able to enjoy his son 's success , seeing it only as something which drew unwelcome attention to the Varna family .
15 She bit her lip , fighting the fear that threatened to overwhelm her .
16 The voice came distantly , accompanied by an echo that seemed to rob it of identity .
17 Still , it was only a hare that had hurt him .
18 That word ‘ proposition ’ and the look of appraisal that had accompanied it , when she recalled them , still sent shivers through her .
19 It was the car that had annoyed her .
20 The police car that had followed him to the Windorah was still parked across the road .
21 She turned to watch him leave , experiencing a second shock as she recognised the man who was driving the car that arrived to collect him as one of the pair who had waylaid her in the car park .
22 Anguish coloured her voice as she recalled the dilemma that had confronted her , but no compunction softened Luke 's countenance .
23 Yet even the gashes were not so ugly as the expensive boat that had caused them .
24 She looked at it and then shrugged and turned away , and the brief light that had illuminated him spluttered and died .
25 Love , a surprising amount of laughter , physical pleasure that had left her literally gasping for breath at its intensity —
26 The brisk social wind that had driven her lightly from guest to guest had dropped , stilled by telephonic contact with the tiny scratching clicking silence of the voiceless house of the long ordeal of her childhood : she found herself becalmed , for a whole dull stretch , talking to old Peter Binns , a charming old boy , but a bore , and so slow of speech that Liz could hardly restrain herself from finishing all his ponderous sentences .
27 Part of her , that stubborn , spirited side , the side that had got her into this mess in the first place , would n't let her give up , back out and admit that Luke Denner and his sexuality were more than she could handle .
28 Matthew McIllvanney was not the real boss of Cutwater Yacht Charters ( Bahamas ) Limited , which belonged to a retired theatre owner who now lived in Bermuda and was a long-time friend of my father , a friendship that had secured me the job of skippering Wavebreaker when Masquerade was wrecked , but McIllvanney actually looked after the day-to-day running of the charter business .
29 It was cold comfort to realize after the event that the drama had been played out by three sick men , whose judgments contributed to this deeply wounding incident in Anglo-American relations : Eisenhower was suffering from ileitis ; Dulles had cancer ; and Eden had a recurrence of the abdominal obstruction that had laid him low once before in 1953 , and was to do so again after he resigned .
30 Theda slipped unobtrusively into the house , which seemed unnaturally quiet after the hurricane that had driven her out of it .
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