Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [vb past] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 To illustrate this , let us imagine Heinrich Hertz , in 1888 , performing the electrical experiment that enabled him to produce and detect radio waves for the first time .
2 His anger reached out with a deadly force that made her flinch back from him .
3 She withdrew , and Claudia opened the door , steeling herself to greet Roman without a trace of the emotion that made her want to run out of the flat , away from the two people she loved most and who were causing her so much pain that she wanted to die .
4 Claudia wished she could stop shaking ; the touch of his hard body against hers had started up a whirlpool of emotion that left her wanting to run until she had put miles between them .
5 The fourth series ( starting on Wednesday , BBC1 , 4.35pm ) covers plenty of ground quizzing people about relationships , models about their looks and one teenager with an obsession that led him to wash his hands until they bled .
6 That was the obsession that made me write this . ’
7 By now he was used to spending longer and longer periods alone , yet in that moment when she walked away he always experienced a brief sense of loss that made him want to rush after her and beg her not to go .
8 He fought four times for his seat on Southampton council before winning it : a result that encouraged him to move into national politics .
9 Of course , having always possessed an interest in astrology , she knew that it was her Arien opposition that made her react so whenever she was under threat .
10 It must be his over-sensitive suspicious mind that made him see a relieved relaxing of those muscled shoulders .
11 Ruth was used to feeling afraid in his presence ; but now the fear that touched her seemed more on his account than on her own .
12 Because of the potential importance of the association , as well as to overcome methodological limitations of the original study , we analysed data from a prospective study that allowed us to assess the association between dental disease and coronary heart disease .
13 Giving her a long , slow appraisal that made her wriggle uncomfortably , he asked softly , ‘ Decided to rejoin the human race ? ’
14 She shook her head and felt colour wash into her cheeks as his eyes drifted slowly over her face in a very thorough appraisal that made her feel both weak and excited .
15 It was a Frankie Howerd interview that made me realise I do not even want one .
16 Charles told her about his movements on the Sunday night , concluding , ‘ … so it must have been the arrival of Nigel 's car that made me run out of the place . ’
17 On their third night she ordered him quite roughly to bring his legs closer together and found a way of rubbing herself against his knee while sucking at his neck that made him shudder .
18 The result was a whiplash neck that required him to wear a brace between performances and did not heal completely for three years .
19 ‘ And then they painted the walls of his office with a chemical that made him lose his mind , ’ she was saying to her brother Phil , who was sitting next to her .
20 Younger sons did not at this time seek to maintain their gentility by going into the church or the army or by living off an annuity that allowed them to pass their time in respectable ease .
21 Little Gabriels , out of control most of the time and impossible to educate , but with a fund of kindness that led them to rescue and foster wounded animals and plague her with them in the home .
22 On Saturday , Payton fluffed a simple chance then regained his composure to score the goal that ensured victory and finished up having to change his jersey because it was stained with the blood of a cut that required him to go off temporarily for stitches .
23 Brookhouse was fortunate for , as the cloth trade went into decline , it managed to attract a new industry that enabled it to keep going for a century longer than many of its counterparts .
24 Damian 's voice rose in fury as he strode to them , reached them and pushed Tony away from Rachel with a violence that made her cry out in horror as Tony stumbled backwards .
25 He kicked the chair aside with a violence that sent it crashing across the floor .
26 Ender , 33 , is unlikely now to produce the kind of speed that helped her break no fewer than 27 world records during her distinguished career .
27 She shook her head , trying to clear the hot rush of blood that made her feel strangely dizzy .
28 BHC engineers came up with a floppier , tapered skirt that allowed them to reduce the pressure of the air cushion .
29 All were matted with puffs of trees ; the bright thread of a waterfall was laid over one , a snail 's silver trail ; and one was crossed by a great rift that made it appear a giant 's helter-skelter .
30 IT 'S the rematch of the decade — the Buffalo Bills against the side that made them look like schoolboys in Superbowl XXVII , the Dallas Cowboys .
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