Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [noun prp] [vb past] be " in BNC.

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1 The cleft that Roland made is 300 feet deep , half that many long and from 130 to 190 feet wide .
2 In the increasingly murky circumstances surrounding the trial , two senior Conservative Party officials were subpoenaed on Feb. 19 to appear before a magistrate after refusing to disclose the sources of their allegation that Mekgwe had been kidnapped by the state intelligence service .
3 However , the allegation that Hazelwood had been under the influence of alcohol at the time of the disaster was contradicted by a number of witnesses at his trial , which opened in Anchorage , Alaska , on Jan. 29 , 1990 , after a six-month delay .
4 Composites , which have attracted takeover speculation , were inclined to ease on disappointment that Pearl had been targeted .
5 There was the sudden roar of a car engine and a screech of tyres and the red car that Stuart had been looking at sped forward and stopped at the entrance with its passenger door swinging open .
6 She knew her sons and would bet her last pound that Geoffrey had been awake waiting for something like this .
7 The first indication of the direction his mind ( or what passed for it ) was moving had come at the beginning of the trial when he called in two other judges to help determine whether the free pardon that Meehan had been granted quashed his conviction .
8 The horse that Tremayne had been going to run had gone lame , and another of Sam 's rides had been withdrawn because its owner 's wife had died .
9 She knew that her presence and unwavering support was as important to the outcome as all the physical and psychological preparation that Lennox had been through in the past few months .
10 The young women had heard that Berwick was besieged and that the English army was none so far off , but they did not know the details , nor of course that Ramsay had been involved .
11 It 's , it was , it was er er sheer coincidence that Beverley had been to Crete the year before and I said to Jackie we 've been to Yugoslavia four years , do you want , do you want a change or do you wan na go back to Yugoslavia , she said well I 'll , I 'll have a look , I said how about , how about going to the Greek islands for a change
12 It was just a curious coincidence that Hatton had been killed on the day following that of Mrs Fanshawe 's regaining consciousness .
13 ‘ Lots of them did n't , ’ said Lee , running down the passage and into the kitchen that Philip had been in yesterday morning where Mrs Wright had given him a cup of tea .
14 As the above data suggest , residential services in Nottinghamshire not only expanded considerably over the period of the study but much of the new development took place in non-traditional residential services of the kind that CMHTs had been charged with promoting .
15 ‘ Many of the people I spoke to felt that Merseyside had been forgotten .
16 The Jockey Club 's Disciplinary Committee upheld the York stewards ' judgement that Eddery had been guilty of interfering with Green 's Bid and Splendent in the Gimcrack Stakes .
17 If it is stretching the imagination to describe any West Indian fast bowler as a gentle giant he is nevertheless mild-mannered and easy-going , and it is significant that while the likes of Croft and Marshall were doing unpleasant things to batsmen 's heads , the damage that Garner inflicted was mostly confined to arms and hands ; obviously any broken bone is bad and obviously he sent down his share of bouncers , but there was never the suggestion that he was using his physical advantages maliciously ; six feet eight inches 12 metres ) tall and weighing seventeen stones ( 108 kilograms ) , the prospect of the carnage he might have caused had he been of an aggressive nature hardly bears thinking about .
18 Then Waddell 's alibi , Donald Carmichael , who had said at Meehan 's trial that Waddell had been staying with him on the night of the murder , now admitted this was a lie .
19 The work that Levi valued is of an order to which Auschwitz — with the lying motto over its gates , Arbeit macht frei — was built to be antithetical .
20 Yet despite the social processes described by the sociology of science or by critical rationalism , achieving ‘ objectivity or ‘ rational truth ’ relies on an existential transcendence that Mannheim saw was too constricting for the study of knowledge .
21 She tried to brush aside memories of the eager , tiny child that Hank had been , a child who had adored his ugly , heavy-footed Ukrainian grandfather , a child who had screamed with rage at her when she had thrust him into the arms of an unknown babysitter or had forced him to play alone in the basement , until he became a silent , morose schoolboy .
22 So cold was the Cold War that America had been boycotting the import even of Soviet crab meat , let alone a live and wily Soviet leader .
23 It was an ancient , historic weapon that d'Arquebus had been privileged to handle .
24 ‘ Oh , piss off , ’ he 'd said finally , which was exactly the reaction that Pete had been expecting .
25 The planet Saturn crossed the heavens at exactly the point that Pluto had been discovered .
26 Mr Kallisher told the jury : ‘ The defendant tried to raise in the minds of the police a suspicion that Julie had been dealing with drugs stolen from the hospital and perhaps her murder was connected with that , not with him . ’
27 In the end , however , the sensation that Heather had been and felt this way before him was overriding .
28 At least Churchill is on record that Roosevelt had been more outspoken with him on the subject of Indochina than on any other colonial matter : ‘ I imagine it is one of his principal war aims to liberate Indochina from France ’ .
29 Louise Taylor , the girl in the picture that Duncan had been shown the night before , was now dressed in an ill-fitting cheap Russian dress .
30 Mr Leach had told the court that Curtis had been a staunch supporter of the anti-smoking campaign and that his father had died from lung cancer .
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