Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] may be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space .
2 I will elaborate on the point that I made about the disruption that may be caused when additional tens of thousands of people are brought into the area , if the development at King 's Cross goes ahead .
3 Actions for damages ( as opposed to injunctions ) have not so far figured largely in litigation against individuals caused by industrial action ; the limits to union liability set by the 1982 Act are low in relation to the loss that may be suffered and the very large fines imposed for contempt by disobedience to injunctions have probably been a more powerful sanction .
4 ‘ THIS RECORD might be the stuff of tragi-comedy , but the funereal tune with cumbersome guitars and world-weary singing kills any irony that may be hidden in the lyrics . ’
5 He or she is trying to locate areas of tension that may be fixed in your body .
6 ‘ New client publishers are judged by the complementary nature of their lists and by the quality of the relationship , rather than by the potential turnover that may be gained , ’ Mr Binns comments .
7 This finality makes it proper to regard death as the most serious harm that may be inflicted on another , and to regard a person who chooses to inflict that harm as the most culpable of offenders , in the absence of some excuse or justification .
8 So , please think carefully before you take an axe to any ivy and consider the harm that may be done to countless woodland birds and insects .
9 In relation to permissions requiring improved conditions , the Secretary of State should specify the types of condition that may be imposed , following review , without attracting compensation .
10 The laying of new drains , including any protection that may be needed around the pipes , requires at least five days notice .
11 There are many more directions to suit an individual 's needs , but the primary directions always precede any secondary direction that may be given .
12 In 1708 Godolphin hoped to obtain " a Parliament for the Court , a Parliament that may be guided " but the public reaction to the Jacobite invasion scare of that year produced " the most Wig Parliament … since the revolution " .
13 Almost all the words which have both a strong and weak form belong to a category that may be called function words — words that do not have a dictionary meaning in the way that we normally expect nouns , verbs , adjectives and adverbs to have .
14 Not for its own sake , naturally , but because apart from any useful function that may be fulfilled , it encourages a proper disregard of Self .
15 The political damage that may be done to governments by industrial conflict may be illustrated by the fall of the Heath government in the course of the 1973–4 British miners ' strike .
16 But for all the desirability of the help that may be given in careful marriage preparation , the experience of marriage itself brings to , life many personal challenges .
17 It is further submitted that , as Parliament has intervened by the Act of 1976 in the matter of pre-natal injuries to unborn children , it should be left to Parliament to effect any further change in the law that may be thought necessary or to develop the law from where it was left by the Divisional Court in Ireland in Walker 's case .
18 The regulations about the equipment that may be used in Typewriting examinations have been amended , as follows :
19 Well it 's impossible at the moment , with the media coverage and the erm information about war and the situation in the Gulf , not to touch children , however careful the adults around them may be , and it 's very important for us as adults to not be so caught up , in our excitement perhaps even , about what 's going on and all the razzmatazz that may be attached to the sort of glory of whose ever side they may be on that we forget the extent to which children are very much affected by how they see the adults around them respond to what 's going on .
20 Any requirement that may be construed as ‘ compulsory ’ is bound to evoke some rebelliousness .
21 In a wrongful dismissal case , where there is no equivalent to the statutory ceiling on the amount of compensation that may be awarded , it will often be worth taking the trouble to investigate the pension position in much more depth .
22 Also of interest is the ZIG Artist Sketching Pen , a fine pointed black drawing pen that may be used with the marker ranges or as a drawing instrument on its own .
23 Some of the features of deprivation that may be associated with life in such regions are discussed in chapter 10 .
24 The service contract is of a comprehensive nature to include labour and materials required for any repairs or attention that may be required .
25 Misrepresentation as well as undue influence is a means of abusing the confidence that may be expected to arise out of the relation .
26 The original trust deed can not be traced but a more recent trust deed dated 1 October 1984 provides that the trustees are to hold the trust property , comprising the premises of the school and any additional site that may be acquired , for the purposes of a Roman Catholic Voluntary Aided School to be conducted in accordance with the Education Acts .
27 It is the client 's business that may be damaged by a breach of confidentiality .
28 In international procedural terms this required level of intensity is , at least theoretically , satisfied when a State considers it has ‘ an interest of a legal nature that may be affected by the decision in the case … ‘ , while in treaty law the emphasis is on rights and obligations .
29 5.2.2 VAT ( or any tax of a similar nature that may be substituted for it or levied in addition to it ) chargeable in respect of any payment made by the Tenant under any of the terms of or in connection with this Lease or in respect of any payment made by the Landlord where the Tenant agrees in this Lease to reimburse the Landlord for such payment The tenant should insure that there is excluded from the tenant 's liability any taxes properly payable by the landlord both in respect of rents received and the landlord 's dealings with the reversionary interest .
30 Wesker might be accused of being somewhat subjective about the play , a charge that may be repeated as the producer of his own work .
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