Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] it be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Empty phrases to give you the illusion that it 's Adam who 's holding you , and not me ?
2 now at the end of the day , whatever your own views about a contingency fund are , bearing in mind that it 's service , not management charged , if the residence do n't agree can you simply dictate to them that they 've got to have a contingency fund ?
3 Graham looked towards Laidlaw for confirmation that it was Barak .
4 I shall argue in the next chapter that it is part of a teacher 's duties to attempt to redress the balance between children who have and those who have not the advantages of a supportive home .
5 They spent the rest of the afternoon in animated discussion — so animated that Folly had gently to point out to her employee that it was time to lock up .
6 Only a slight chill in the air gave any indication that it was autumn , and even that was beginning to fade away as the sun blazed down again out of a clear blue sky .
7 Well does it say on the tape that it was brand new ?
8 The committee 's subsequent decision to include policy T seven in the structure plan , appears to have been taken without debate and without formal recognition that it 's inclusion conflicted with their earlier er decision .
9 He believed the Prince that it was de Craon who had informed him on the Sunday night but how had the Frenchman known ?
10 For example , to say of what is in fact honey that it is n't honey , or of what is n't honey that it is , is false ; whereas to say of what is honey that it is honey , or of what is n't that it is n't , is true .
11 Eliot had apparently declined it on the plea that it was Lent .
12 Babushka had taken so long to clean her cabin that it was morning and the star no longer shone in the sky .
13 Erm and you realize of course that it 's self employed commission only hence the need for the car .
14 Taking a simple example , you might suddenly have an intimation that it is time to change direction and find a new job .
15 Name Badges IBOA pointed out to NIB Management that it is IBOA 's Security Policy that the wearing of name badges is not compulsory .
16 Prolonged prosperity is as likely as prolonged adversity to engender the mood that it is time for a change .
17 ( 2 ) For as long as they were presenting the case , the prosecution had done so on the footing that it was section 18 or nothing .
18 The Times hypothesised in the course of the election campaign that it was leaders who lost elections , not challengers who won them .
19 Clinton , who the opinion polls consistently suggested enjoyed a significant lead , continued his relentless attack on the economic record of the Bush-Reagan years and repeated the underlying message of his campaign that it was time for change .
20 For instance , the single entry in the English annals of the monastery between 1100 and 1109 records the inspection of the body of St Elphege in 1105 , and the discovery that it was incorrupt .
21 I could not have conceived of any circumstances in which it would have been sensible for any particular political group to murder Gaitskell , and the likelihood that it was murder — in such an immensely complicated fashion — seemed to me at first blush fanciful and absurd .
22 I 'm going to nip over and try to persuade our production team that it 's time to move over to PCs .
23 Although that has meant that not much can be done , in principle it is a good idea in that it forces underwater sites to compete with land sites for funding , and tends to keep the attention on the point that it is archaeology we are talking about .
24 Kids live in the same world as adults , the advertising , the pressures are there , and I think we , also this important point that it 's women 's health who 's already most disadvantaged , that 's women on low incomes with very
25 His narrow escape at Petit-Clamart finally convinced the General that it was time to take action to meet both dangers at once .
26 He forgot for a moment that it was pot and thought of nicotine , and then of cancer , cells in delirium , the inroads that living would make one day even on this varnished little icon of the exempt : the flab of tiredness , children , overwork , sitting up too late at night listening to people , indulging buoyant childish appetites as a device to sustain good nature against foreshadows of the senile self .
27 It is difficult to resist the conclusion that it is Parliament , not the law , which is in danger of looking more and more like an ass .
28 In making this break with tradition , James , it seems , had come to the conclusion that it was time for the intellectual elite to shut up and listen to the workers for a change for it was they who were at the sharp end of the production system and therefore they who first sensed any changes in patterns of production .
29 Deputy co-ordinator John Hinchcliffe told Middlesbrough Victim Support 's annual meeting that it was part of a wider increase in the group 's work .
30 Tim , the gobaholic pretty boy frontman , is already a seasoned media pro — although it rankles the band that it 's Tim 's face that is being plastered everywhere .
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