Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Clark and Howey signed three-year contracts last month and Keegan said : ‘ We sat down with the two lads and their fathers and worked out a deal that was right for them .
2 The positive controls in our experiment that were negative for the polymerase chain reaction were also culture negative , and our apparent low sensitivity is consistent with previous work on clinical samples .
3 By this time solar illumination was sufficient even in high latitudes to drive the same catalytic ozone destruction cycle involving the ClO dimer that is responsible for the Antarctic ozone hole .
4 ‘ Silly sausage , ’ he teased , and , although she carried on studying to complete her A levels , when Fabia left school she seemed to just naturally fill the niche that was tailor-made for her in feeding and exercising the dogs and giving an extra helping of love and attention to the animals who needed it .
5 You decide on the amount of cover , and the balance between protection and investment that is right for you .
6 Furthermore , it finally resolves the conflict between the Department of Energy , as the producer Department , and the Department of Energy as the Department that is responsible for monitoring safety .
7 Collective entrepreneurship represents the path toward an economic future that is promising for both managers and workers .
8 This approach to surgical research is again unacceptable , ignoring as it does much excellent research that is responsible for real improvements in patients ' care .
9 Although the UKCC is the central policy making and administrative body responsible for setting and maintaining professional standards , and much more ( see chapter 5 ) , it is the national board of the country in which you choose to practice that is responsible for executive action on nurse education , ensuring that it meets the UKCC 's rules and requirements .
10 But what if a gene exerted a phenotypic effect that was good for itself but bad for the rest of the genes in the body ?
11 Perhaps the managerial talent that was responsible for the steady growth is spread too thin .
12 Corrie 's also makes the Garden Buggy ( about £36 ) , a lightweight folding wheelbarrow that is ideal for use in a small garden , especially where storage space is a problem .
13 On this basis , Lynch and Bliss were to argue , rather as Kandel had done earlier for serotonin in Aplysia , that it was presynaptic plasticity that was important for the initiation of LTP , and the postsynaptic cell was simply doing what it had to as a result of the increase in the strength of the glutamate signal it was receiving .
14 The second interferon-induced enzyme adds a phosphate group to a protein that is essential for the synthesis of new proteins to begin .
15 A horse that is fit for hunting may be unable to cope with a long schooling session .
16 He read the game appallingly , was caught out several times , and chuffed his way around the back right like a horse that was due for the knackers yard .
17 However , for colliding plane waves , the boundary conditions are of a totally different character , and many of the solutions of Ernst 's equation that are appropriate for axisymmetric fields , such as the Tomimatsu-Sato solutions , are now found to be inconsistent with the boundary conditions for colliding plane waves .
18 In drug addiction and in the eating disorders the processes may be even slower because the drugs or the distorted eating pattern may cause more confusion and damage to thought processes and also because the sufferers may be young and may need to live through the emotional pain of adolescence that is necessary for maturity and which they earlier avoided by recourse to mood-altering chemicals , substances or behaviour .
19 These are the regions of the spectrum that are available for remote sensing .
20 These are the regions of the spectrum that are available for remote sensing .
21 Abisko lies on a lake and near a National park that is famous for its animal and bird life and its woods of birch and pine .
22 We can regard ( Ε ) as representative in two ways : it is representative of our method of analysis , but it also represents a pattern of linguistic change that is valid for all the mid and low vowels : /a/ , /Ε/,; and /α/.; ic
23 SunSelect Inc general manager Carl Ledbetter has cashed in his chips at Sun Microsystems Inc in favour of becoming president of AT&T Consumer Products , the division that is responsible for corded and cordless telephones , videophones , cellular telephones , answering machines — and AT&T first personal communicator , its Hobbit RISC-based widget .
24 Very clearly we are not in the business of directing people into modes of prayer that are unsuitable for them .
25 SUBFERTILITY — FERTILITY that is lower than " normal " or at a level below the level that is average for the population .
26 The Dutch parliament has recently decided that owners of contaminated sites should aim to clean them up to a level that is suitable for any use , but has accepted that where such a policy is uneconomic , it would be sufficient to isolate , control and monitor the land .
27 The PT instructor barks out his orders with an enthusiasm that is unnatural for this time of the morning .
28 It is the breadth of the base that is significant for the obvious key concept in insurance is the spread of the risk .
29 In Ego Dormio he explains to the Sister that as she grows in her love of Christ , she will find nothing matters to her but this love and the sin of man which disfigures it , and that all this is focused by thinking on the Passion of Christ : Although in The Form he makes it clear to Margaret that it is difficult to be too prescriptive about meditation , since God will put the kind of thoughts into her heart that are right for her , he does say in Emendatio Vitae that beginners in spiritual life may find the words of others helpful ( 8.120.31 – 2 ) and on occasions he himself wrote meditations on the Passion which embody his understanding of the catalysis they are designed to help .
30 He saw that it was this very racism that was responsible for forcing blacks into positions of marginality .
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