Example sentences of "[noun sg] [that] [noun] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 However , insofar as the theories that make up our scientific knowledge are fallible and incomplete , the guidance that theories offer as to what observations are relevant to some phenomenon under investigation may be misleading , and may result in some important factors being overlooked .
2 Other clubs did much the same things for provincial leaders ; it was to the Constitutional Club that Salvidge went when in London and it was there that he stayed .
3 When deciding whether to accept or reject the DC , bear in mind that acceptance means that you are agreeing either :
4 Perhaps this helps explain something noted by Laura Levine : in the numerous tracts attacking the Elizabethan and Jacobean theatre and its dress and gender transgressions , there is a fear that men dressing as women will lead to an erosion of masculinity itself .
5 In the last chapter I introduced the ‘ uncertainty principle ’ , the idea that belief in God was more compatible with a degree of uncertainty that God existed than with certainty of His existence .
6 A hostile environment is one devoid of landscaping and planting — more often than not , it is the psychological effect that plants provide that creates the satisfactory working and living environment .
7 They often require the buyer to sign a delivery note which contains a statement to the effect that signature signifies that the goods have been delivered in compliance with the contract , and in good condition , a nd that therefore the buyer accepts them .
8 Side Two 's opener , ‘ The Slim ’ , typifies Sugar 's ability to slow things down , with a grinding , winding melody that backs Mould as he tumbles through a drawn-out flashback nightmare , which makes temporary amnesia seem like a healthy option .
9 If it were still the case that affray required that the incident should take place in public , the case would be cast-iron .
10 Was it really the case that characters changed when love took charge ?
11 The Department of Education and Science , the Local Education Authority , potential employers and a whole host of other organisations bring pressure to bear to influence the direction that schools take and all these pressure groups demand speedy and effective responses .
12 On one level that phrase indicates that it is the old person 's own independence which is being guarded , but on another level the idea of wanting to remain independent in old age is a way of according the proper independence to one 's children .
13 It –vas such an odd and witty little toy that Melanie giggled and stretched out her hand for it , to work it herself .
14 The technical term for the speech-like noise that babies produce before they learn to talk is ‘ jargoning ’ .
15 And , even more importantly , the Formalists differ radically from the Anglo-Americans on the way in which they relate poetic ambiguity to ordinary language , and it is through this differential function , and not by means of mere conformity and intensification that poetry heightens and enriches ordinary communication .
16 Sturdy as the white blancmange that Léonie hated and thought she had left behind in England .
17 Will he tell them why , if there is to be a days-at-sea restriction , he can not pay fishermen the same financial support that farmers get when their land goes awry ?
18 Scholz was wearing that wise , reflective look that pipe-smokers get or act on the few occasions their pipes are working well .
19 By offering skilled help of a kind that teachers recognized and respected , it was hoped the MRO would prove to be an agent of change , and would work in co.operation with the librarian to develop imaginative resources use and high quality practices .
20 It is in this prayerful meditation that mystics say that they receive an illumination of the reality of God over and above anything they can reach by their own efforts .
21 There is a vast fund of evidence to indicate that it is just not the case that the experience that observers undergo when viewing an object is determined solely by the information , in the form of light rays , entering the observer 's eyes , nor is it determined solely by the images on the retinas of an observer .
22 Various self-help groups have been formed because of dissatisfaction with the help that professionals provide or a realisation that such help is limited .
23 The oil-shipping system is basically safe — so safe that men forget that they are still required to run it properly .
24 It was this longer-term exchange that Bukharin recognised as being the central contradiction in the then current situation .
25 The critics ' favourite accusation that Neverland looks like a theme park is fair , though hardly a criticism — most children and adults enjoy Disneyland , and the movie is no more garish than The Wizard of Oz , a great children 's film which has been rendered critically respectable by age .
26 Nothing could be further from the truth than Kate Millett 's accusation that Freud believed that women 's destiny was a simple outcome of their biology .
27 The driver of the long-distance lorry would tighten his hands on the wheel and urge his machine faster past the bleak terrain that marks fear and anxiety across the breadth of the Motherland .
28 Given this degree of ambiguity in the chronological indicators , it certainly can not be regarded as out of the question that Oswiu died and Ecgfrith became king in the early months of 671 .
29 Thus , although the bonanza expected by some has not yet materialised , exploration has far from exhausted the possibilities , and the results have at least demonstrated beyond question that gas accumulated and survived in producible quantities in the Eastern Overthrust Belt , despite the disturbed condition of the strata and the passage of time .
30 Others boast that they have limited snow cannons to lower access slopes on the basis that tourism stops where destruction starts .
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