Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv prt] and [vb past] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I should have just put my foot down and knocked him over .
2 Er , and I mean , as was conventional in those days , you educate , your sons went to school and you try and , educated your girls at home , but the , the aunt put her foot down and said she would n't do it .
3 After a year or two of keeping house for Hugh , she put her foot down and said it was ridiculous not to use her money .
4 Muttering very unscientific speculations in a number of alien languages about the car 's origins and usefulness , the Doctor kept his foot down and did his best to avoid the holes in the road .
5 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
6 Quiss bellowed ; he turned the attendant upside down and plonked its head into the bucket it had been carrying .
7 ‘ I was raised on a farm , ’ she said , and she took the duck from Angelica and efficiently flipped it upside down and twisted its neck .
8 She turned the piece of paper upside down and shook her head .
9 Broken apart by force , the lid splintered , the box shed a handful of stones and a drift of dead leaves as he turned it upside down and shook it ruefully .
10 Cos one day we found him and he was choking to death practically and erm er Tam , Linda 's husband turned him upside down and smacked his back , he 'd eaten a one pound coin .
11 He turned the bag upside down and dumped everything onto the floor , and then he did the same for the drawers and for the wardrobe .
12 He put the axe down and wiped his hands on his trousers , eyeing me .
13 He called his girlfriend over and held her hand tightly .
14 And so we took a piece off and had it analysed , we have a little laboratory which we use to analyse things like that , and it turned out to be what we expected , the most common colour of medieval furniture was red .
15 The vet also explained Luke had to get some weight off and instructed me to change his diet of cooked chicken and switch to a dried food called Eukanuba .
16 He held the piece up and sighted it , squeezing the trigger , allowing the hammer to fall on an empty chamber .
17 I started his car up and set his car in reverse
18 Then another time I smashed my cell up and slashed my arms and that , because I did n't get any letters or anything like that , so one of the screws came in and they put us down the block .
19 She reversed the car out and swung it round to give Billy room to put his in its place .
20 It is a shame in many ways that Robert Harris ' Fatherland ( Arrow ) has such stiff competition in the same area , for judging by the hardcover success I , along with Arrow , have stuck my neck out and made it a Giant .
21 He tipped his seat back and zipped his jacket right up and he asked for the music to go on again , and he lay there in the dark with the music on , feeling warm in the middle of the freezing night , and he could feel himself smiling .
22 When surveyors started sizing up her land , ‘ I got my shotgun out and showed them the gate , ' she said .
23 Then he put the telephone down and rejoined her in the shop , frowning solemnly .
24 ‘ They were n't stopping , so I just took the mood down and told them I never knew any of them back in the days of groups like Dynamic 3 .
25 She wound the window down and watched her own reflection disappear .
26 I did n't think it necessary to comment about that in my reply to that , in fact I have , I was speaking with er Mr when I saw this question down and reported it to him that his name was being used in such a way erm .
27 He then knocked a 21-year-old girl over and kicked her in the face , before half choking and battering a 23-year-old .
28 Jim switched his engine off and stretched his arms .
29 And there were some flats were n't there with the with Tommy on the w er Philip , that 's right , Tommy on one day and he , that pub , he picked a bloke up and threw him straight through the bloody pub window .
30 He rolled the plan up and returned it to Berger .
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