Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] not [adv] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The UCTA covers not only clauses which exclude such liability in whole , but also those which exclude or restrict it partially ( eg a limitation as to the monetary amount to be paid by way of compensation for such a liability when incurred ) .
2 α-granule nucleoids have been demonstrated by electronmicroscopic studies in the canalicular system ( White , 1974 ) , and it is likely that normal secretion involves not only fusion of these granules with the canalicular system but also platelet contraction .
3 I understand that your institution covers not only Cambridgeshire but also Norfolk and Suffolk , so my welcome is a particular one to those delegates who have travelled here from neighbouring counties today , and I trust that your journey on such a pleasant morning was a really good one and that you 'll find that this symposium is going to be very worthwhile .
4 The laird , Macleod , asked Johnson therefore to define ‘ the particular excellence of Burke 's eloquence ’ , and Johnson 's reply summarises not only Burke , but all men of such gifts , and it hymns education and the acquisition of learning : ‘ Copiousness , and fertility of allusion ; a power of diversifying his matter , by placing it in various relations .
5 The foal receives not only affection and security from its mother , but also acceptance .
6 The law of nullity covers not only cases where the purported marriage was void , but also those where the marriage , though initially valid , is voidable , and thus may be set aside .
7 network membership supplies not only information , but also the tacit skills which enable individuals to become competent and accepted members of occupational groups .
8 The result is that today 's population contains not only Arabs , the majority , but Kurds , Turks and Armenians .
9 Adhesion requires not only integrin ligands on the endothelium , but also activation signals because T-cell integrins can not bind well until they are activated .
10 ( As a matter of fact , nature imitates not only art but examination questions ; not long ago a man of my acquaintance shot his wife in the leg , in the shrubbery , thinking she was a rabbit . )
11 The term 's local usage covers not only squirrels and tree shrews but also some forest rats .
12 The fact that the average adult spends a minimum of 26 hours sitting in front of a television set in any one week represents not only time lost in sharing activities with their children and young people , but time lost in influencing and controlling them .
13 ( e ) The definition covers not just intentions ( " deliberate " ) deception but also reckless misrepresentations .
14 Efficiency incorporates not only quantity and quality of achievement but also preservation of his own safety and health and that of others who might be involved as working partners , passengers or the general public in the neighbourhood .
15 The charter covers not only salaries , a minimum wage and maternity benefit but deals with many issues .
16 The operation of the mythic DNA affects not only Shakespeare 's plots but contemporary history as he interpreted it ; so chaste women wronged by their boar-driven husbands include not only such fictional figures as Hero in Much Ado About Nothing and Imogen in Cymbeline , but also Katherine of Aragon ( in Henry VIII ) .
17 At first sight the paradox that liberalism requires not only freedom of contract but also freedom to breach any contract is quickly resolved .
18 Dress underwrites not only class differences but national and racial ones also , and Perkins has harsh words for those who adopt the fashion of other countries : ‘ this one sinne is so common among us , that it hath branded our English people with the blacke mark of the vainest and most newfangled people under heaven ’ ( p. 211 ) .
19 This cue prompts not only breeding , but also their annual moult , and the vast journeys of migrating birds .
20 We saw earlier that academic freedom means not just rights , but responsibilities .
21 To make a contribution towards this end requires not only knowledge of alternatives and commitment to putting them into practice but also an understanding of how social policy is made and implemented .
22 Obtaining any professional qualification requires not only vocation and commitment , but also great investment in both personal and financial terms .
23 His position as fly-half requires not only skill and vision , but also confidence and experience .
24 The system manages not only data about maintenance crews and equipment , but also rules that specify how long crews can work , which stations can be taken off-line without blacking out the city , and so on .
25 The foal receives affection from its mother from the day it is born ; and the bond is strengthened as the mare provides not only nourishment , but also contact , security , reassurance , and grooming sessions .
26 Furthermore , as drafted , the Agreement would allow the Purchaser to claim damages on the tortious measure as well ( essentially the difference between what the Purchaser paid and the market value of what it got in return ) because the Agreement incorporates not only warranties , but representations as well .
27 However , as the Kingman Report makes clear , the structure of language means not only grammar ( in the sense of sentence syntax ) but also phonology , graphology , vocabulary and discourse organisation , and terms are needed for : .
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