Example sentences of "[noun sg] [adv prt] [conj] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah we used to just put an old sack on and more or less bareback .
2 1.00:DAVID ELSWORTH 'S Fragrant Dawn made an impressive reappearance at Newbury this month , but he is a bit in and out and can not be fancied with any confidence .
3 The double box was a wonderful link between the three happy friends — as often as not it took Andrew 's horse on as well as Lal 's .
4 Delmar Menjamim flew his replica Gee Bee R–2 racer , the Eagles Aerobatic Team performed a faultless routine in their trio of Christen Eagles , a scintillating performance was given by Bobby Younkin in his Beech 18 , a routine which included barrel rolls ! , but probably the most unusual of all was Craig Hisking , who flew his much modified Pitts Special , which has been fitted with an undercarriage on the top wing , enabling him to land upside down as well as the right way up .
5 Well next door but one are having erm double glazed back window , you know that main lounge window and the the guy 's parked halfway across the drive with the van , left it there all in disarray you can just about get your car up and round and brains that some of these people
6 They will bounce light up or down or spread it horizontally , depending on the type of shade .
7 I forget what it was that distracted me for a moment , but as I delayed , the water bounced the boat up and down and then straight against the quay , with my finger in between .
8 Penetrating , complex and totally different in structure , it pulls the single line of melody up and down and spins it out to leave you dangling in some sort of musical nirvana .
9 so I 'll give you a ring back as soon as we 've finished .
10 Howard tilts the card back and forth until he has seen the couple in the corner leave , and the manager quietly coping with a customer who refuses to pay the bill , then puts it carefully into his pocket to save for his children , who love this kind of toy .
11 It does n't matter if she got a fag out or not but it still could easily go onto the carpet
12 ‘ Transferred to medical duties through cowardice or incompetence , most of them , and start throwing their weight about as soon as they 're asked to do a job properly . ’
13 She reckons up the change over an' over like she do n't trust me , ’ I admitted reluctantly .
14 In our particular ministry in St Louis Missouri we are trying to use the vast technology that 's available to us in linking up with other organizations such as Catholic charities , Salvation Army and others , so that when persons are in need of help they can go to one organization and tell their story and they do n't have to keep going from place to place telling their story over and over and we 're beginning to look toward the use of computers and what they are capable of doing in order to help resources stretch .
15 I tried the latch over and over and looked at my watch .
16 The previous day he had had to drive the route over and over until he knew it perfectly .
17 He was wearing a white overall on top of his grey prison issue clothes and he pulled the overall off as soon as he was inside .
18 Killeavey player Mark had held the dangerous Gallagher in check up until then and now hopes to impose an even greater stranglehold on the stocky corner forward in the replay .
19 I followed her spindly legs issuing from the bunched-up clothing up and down and along , in and out and under ; squirting , rubbing , shining ; kneeling , crawling , climbing ; gasping , panting , grunting .
20 I think you still , I 'm not sure whether they 've changed the law round or not cos they
21 and he 's shaved his tash off as well and he 's always had that tash ever since I 've been there , it was really funny
22 and then find what it 's what we can do to stop it triggering and carrying that reaction on and on and on and on or turning it back .
23 Many of the suggestions in this book about ways of using video assume that the person using it is familiar with what the machine can do and so feels confident about finding a place on a tape , stopping and starting at will , turning the sound up and down and so on .
24 But perhaps most severe of all are tests for susceptibility to motion sickness : they will be blindfolded , and have to move their heads and upper parts of the body back and forth or up and down ; and they will be pushed back and forward on a track every five seconds for 20 minutes .
25 beads with big holes that you do embroidery silk round and round and cover them .
26 He could tell she was very annoyed by the way she jogged her foot up and down as she stared at the window .
27 You wasted two hours a day in and out and in and out of college .
28 These damned black marketeers are everywhere ; they siphon the stuff off as soon as it comes into the country , at the various stores and again at the local distribution points .
29 But Charles switched his smile off as soon as he left .
30 dog was getting the top off and down and then hiding the bottles !
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