Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] that [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Research shows that games which encourage the recognition and naming of letters are a useful learning tool .
2 Research shows that children who read well do well .
3 As a cause of lung cancer it comes second only to smoking , and research shows that people who live in houses affected by the gas run a one in thirty chance of dying of lung cancer .
4 The study shows that men who had a small head circumference or were thin at birth , or both , had higher rates of cardiovascular death than those who had a large head circumference or were fat .
5 8.4 The Department recognises that employees who are the victims of violence at work may suffer emotional and psychological reactions to the incident in addition to or apart from any physical injury .
6 Yet the study suggests that women themselves may be hindering their progress .
7 The most recent research suggests that children who were breast fed have higher intelligence than those bottle-fed from birth , after allowing for the extra time breast-feeding mothers might spend with their babies or extra effort they might put into mothering .
8 The council says that people who reject accomodation must wait a year for another offer .
9 ‘ We hope this extra cash means that doctors who wish to give condoms from the surgery will be able to do so , ’ a spokeswoman said .
10 THE five-year-old boys and girls listen attentively as their teacher explains that men who live with men are not figures to be frightened of .
11 The Brut suggests that others who were not rewarded in this way also supported the coup , including the younger Bohun brothers Humphrey and William , together with Ralph de Stafford and William de Clinton .
12 The Lancet medical journal reports that children who were underweight before the operation had a growth spurt afterwards .
13 Although the teachers ' guide to the curriculum concedes that people who are close to a nuclear blast ‘ probably would be killed or seriously injured ’ , it predicts that people in ‘ fringe ’ areas ‘ have a good chance of surviving it ’ by diving into the fallout shelter and emerging in ‘ a week or two ’ .
14 Even acute fear of dentistry may be more than just fear of the drill : California dentist James Rota says that women who are most frightened of dentists are those who have been sexually molested as children .
15 Research evidence shows that people who become go-betweens can not tell the difference between margarine and butter .
16 British evidence demonstrates that women who are ill or handicapped are less likely than men to receive support from formal services or informal sources ( Charlesworth , Wilkin and Durie , 1984 ; Bebbington and Davies , 1983 ) .
17 A recent study of the use of a printed PRECIS ( PREserved Context Indexing System ) index for subject searching reveals that searchers who adopted a broad search formulation strategy where more successful than those who took an exact matching approach in accessing the index .
18 I find too that circumstances compel a socialist Council like Harlow to be constrained and constricted when building , there are too many laws and regulations which are based on the fact that , for instance , today 's government thinks that people who rent houses are second class citizens .
19 ‘ The High Court 's judgement means that landowners who have sought Ministry consent for a Licence have unwittingly created a tenancy , ’ said Christopher Hewitt , agricultural specialist for Ward Hadaway .
20 The present situation shows that debtors themselves can not be relied upon to tell courts when their debts are paid .
21 The document says that Somalis who visit DSS offices are treated in a humiliating manner .
22 The benefits principle argues that people who receive more than their share of public spending should pay more than their share of tax revenues .
23 Regrettably , history suggests that people who are mentally vulnerable are consulted infrequently and in some cases are neglected , exploited and mistreated through either thoughtlessness or cruelty .
24 Walker ( 1975 ) in his study of mature students at Warwick University reports that students who did not meet the General Entrance Requirements ( GER ) had completion rates similar to those for all students , and somewhat better than those for mature students who met the GER .
25 Traditional wisdom dictates that companies which , during a recession , continue to market actively and consistently , are best placed to reap the rewards in the post-recessionary period .
26 This table indicates that graduates who entered their degree courses with an HNC , on average , performed as well as those who entered on the basis of 10 A-level points , and so on for the other qualifications listed .
27 True Christianity believes that creation itself is fallen and awaits its redemption ; that it also will benefit from the perfection that Christ offers and achieves .
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