Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] be [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I am not aware of the point that the hon. Gentleman raises but , as he knows , a tremendous amount of support has been made available through the Home Office and other sources to assist members of the ethnic minorities in this country .
2 The memory of this tragic story has been kept alive throughout the centuries and continues to be by the occasional appearance of The Green Lady — a ghost said to cross the road from Thorpe Hall only to disappear into the trees opposite .
3 The company profit ( loss ) is the difference between the two sides after any capital reduction has been made good .
4 The company profit ( loss ) is the difference between the two sides after any capital reduction has been made good .
5 Much progress has been made countrywide to reduce sulphur dioxide levels , which have fallen by nearly half since 1970 .
6 Strongest connections are with commercial stations but progress has been slowed due to the continuing uncertainty over franchises .
7 A lorry driver has been shot dead in his cab in Ulster .
8 Parthenia has been recorded complete , but there is no version currently in the catalogue .
9 Uniplex founder , Peter Osbourn , and finance director Dave Jennings have been squeezed out in the re-shuffle , and Patrick Regester , previously head of Uniplex 's international operations division has been appointed managing director , reporting to Amos .
10 The essentials of the problem have been thoroughly analysed in the past few years ; the difficulty has been to obtain international agreement on solutions .
11 The chief State official responsible for works of art in Venice , Soprintendente Nepi Scire and the architect in charge of the Doge 's Palace , Mario Piana , have declared that no State funding has been made available this year for restoring Europe 's loveliest and most fragile city .
12 But it will not mean much to ask whether the promised community care funding has been delivered intact .
13 The certificate has been granted interim VQ status by the Employment Department for funding and is available in LCCI approved Centres .
14 The dual responsibilities , to the employer and to the profession , remain problematic : the professional response has been to offer on-line access to ethical guidance .
15 ‘ The trick has been to maintain added value and justify those loans , ’ he says .
16 Non-use has essentially been considered as a negative response to the catalogue and the library user has been held responsible for his own shortcomings .
17 flag indicating whether automatic DC assessment has been set TRUE or FALSE for the module ( packages only )
18 Platelet structure and its relationship to platelet function has been given tremendous impetus , through the application of electromicroscopy to the study of platelet anatomy and the development of techniques for isolation of physiologically active platelets and their preservation for ultrastructural study .
19 Napier University has been providing full-time undergraduate teaching in publishing since 1968 .
20 " She 's just told me her sister has been taken ill and she has to go and look after her .
21 That in view of the foregoing considerations we ask you to ask the Masters " Association to delay any decision hurtful to the interests of women compositors until the women 's case has been given full consideration .
22 In a bid to keep the action secret , the case has been called Anonymous I v Anonymous II .
23 The funds available for child protection were continued into 1990/91 and further money has been made available for training in relation to the new Children Act .
24 Much-needed economic generation is taking place in Germany , Belgium , Spain and France because RECHAR money has been made available to them .
25 However , because no additional money has been made available to establish a central development fund to extend services in these areas , the money may have to be taken away from existing services in other areas .
26 A former financial consultant who lost almost two million pounds of his clients ' money has been found guilty of seven charges of theft and fraud .
27 There is no doubt that GP fund-holding has been proving successful and has been extending quite dramatically .
28 This is not to deny that the opportunity has been made available to question these developments or to call a halt to them .
29 The Disabled Drivers Association has been helping disabled people since 1948 , and all donations are used explicitly for the benefit of disabled people .
30 The outputs for stereo and mono operation are separate , as I have already mentioned , but only the stereo side has been made available in both balanced and unbalanced forms ; the mono is exclusively unbalanced , which compromises Carvin 's ultra-flexibility stance somewhat .
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