Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [been] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Another significant change in carp fishing technique has been in surface fishing .
2 perhaps the best-known attempt to make such a link has been by Peter Hall .
3 This conc has been in progress all today .
4 Short 's preparation has been under way for six months and has been intensive .
5 ( 1982 ) have shown that about three-quarters of the change has been to woodland , as shown in Figure 8.4 , and that this pattern is fairly geographically even , except for Dartmoor as shown in Table 8.4 .
6 Now in his third full season with the HB NSR , Bradl 's main change has been from Michelin to Dunlop tyres
7 The second change has been in share prices themselves : in the 1980s they soared .
8 The main change has been in attitudes to Japan and Western Europe .
9 When the morning walk has been a hot , hard climb and all breathing has been in gasps , you can arrive at lunchtime with a mouth as dry as a salt mine .
10 Since the crisis began in the late 1970s , spending on education below tertiary level has been at rock bottom and health little better .
11 Perhaps emphasis at this level has been upon soil evolution rather than upon soil dynamics , which has been treated in relation to land capability .
12 A key link with the mainland , the Larne-Stranraer route has been in existence for almost 130 years and has become an integral part of Ulster 's maritime heritage .
13 The police national computer has been in operation since 1974 .
14 The university has been under curfew and restraint for months .
15 Well you could say that erm our background goes back erm twenty-five years , in fact , we 've had a considerable involvement with industry both local and national for as long as the University has been in existence , which is now nearly twenty-five years .
16 It has occurred to me to wonder what the previous experience has been of youngsters who savagely assault old people , whether they have ever been close to an old person .
17 Bowlby has been under pressure ever since the Cheltenham Gold Cup , over his riding tactics on Golden Freeze , coincidentally brought down at The Chair in Thursday 's John Hughes Memorial Chase here .
18 Over the last five years , plans for a road linking Spain and France have gone ahead , a ski resort has been built and the environment ministry has been at odds with local politicians over their attempts to implement hunting and traffic in areas thought crucial to the bear 's survival .
19 But if you think things are bad now , just wait till the case has been to court .
20 A covering loop ileostomy was eelectively omitted in low risk cases until September 1988 , since then a clinical trial has been in progress in which patients were randomised to receive either an ileostomy or no ileostomy .
21 The Brigade has been in Normandy since the 6th June in constant contact with the enemy until we reached the Seine .
22 Until now , Mr Major 's biggest fear has been of revenge attacks on the 2,400 British troops .
23 Robert Smith , defending , said : ‘ This is a very serious state of affairs , not least because the defendant has been in custody for at least 12 months .
24 Those whose main contact with violence has been through television or the cinema may think that in real life , just as in films , the hero or heroine 's story ends when their ordeal is over .
25 This car has been in use since Easter and has been enthusiastically praised by the people , mainly volunteers , who have been staffing it .
26 The combined numbers of these three are perhaps 100 or 200 at the most , although an urgent conservation programme has been under way since 1980 .
27 The WISE Vehicle Programme has been in operation for many years now , following the launch of the original WISE I bus in WISE Year 1984 .
28 Thomas 's mind has been in turmoil for a long time since that rejection .
29 In ‘ culture studies ’ , and quickly entering the more proper sociological study of culture , talk has been of modernity versus postmodernity , of modernism versus postmodernism .
30 But an effective dragnet takes time — and in Brazil 's case even longer since the tax-collecting department has been in shambles since Mr Collor 's days .
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