Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb -s] [pers pn] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The decision to relinquish the lease may have been forced upon them : story has it that their landlord , Colonel Lindsay , had been angered by tales of a young man spitting out of a window into a frying pan held by Minton in the garden below .
2 Gossip has it that he 's a good accountant , keen on music , and henpecked .
3 Gossip has it that his wife had recently left him and he wanted to make a clean break .
4 But the association of menstrual blood pollutes her and she loses for ever the pristine purity of a female child .
5 It is a commonplace to see culture as man 's building , climbing and reaching — indeed , one whole school of anthropology sees it as his tool-making — but it is important not to forget that in man , as in the other primates , intelligent , adaptive behaviour — behaviour , in other words , mediated by the ego — is motivated by his instinctual drives .
6 The scent of jasmine greets you as you walk through a creepered archway into the wide lawn .
7 A patrol car spots us and its occupants make it clear we are under observation .
8 In any case Campion tells us that there exists in the archives of Norwegian Radio a preferable version of the Rhapsody conducted by Tuxen that ought to be issued — as should other hidden treasures in radio and other archives to which Campion refers .
9 If they are able to remember the unpleasant incidents of their youth , their logical mind tells them that it was wrong and that the abuser was at fault .
10 Their self-image tells them that they are ‘ controversial ’ , so they act this out .
11 They include the purchase of the minority shares by the other members or the company if the minority shareholder feels he or she would be better off out of it .
12 Since research tells us that one in four clients are dissatisfied enough to stop doing business with a professional firm , it would seem advisable for every practice to follow the Ernst & Young model and ask their clients how they feel , particularly as research also shows that an unhappy client will tell nine other people of his or her dissatisfaction .
13 For instance , if children are not out of care within six weeks after reception into care , research tells us that they have a 60 per cent chance of still being in care after two years , a finding that has clear implications for the resources and inter-agency co-operation needed for many social work clients .
14 We are aiming to provide these two sets of things for the child in care , not as ends in themselves , but in order that children may develop a sense of their own self-worth , and research tells us that we have to get the balance right between these two important sets of needs for this end to be achieved .
15 How is it that we have blindly come to think that animals and other creatures have no inner life when their every action tells us that they do ?
16 His position was at outside-right , although later he occasionally switched wings , and his place as a regular , though unpaid , member of our 1913–14 side tells us that he was a credit to his club and craft because Palace only conceded the Southern League championship to Swindon Town on goal average at the end of a thrilling season .
17 The optical effect disturbs them and they flit off to land on some less vivid pattern elsewhere .
18 Such studies resound with heartfelt quotations : ‘ I like to hear the sound of voices in the house ’ ; ‘ The programme reminds me that I could be worse off than I am ’ ; ‘ It sometimes helps me to understand my own life ’ ( McQuail , 1972 ) .
19 Is there any joint and seems light , if the light were on the light catches them and you can see all the
20 department does it if there 's anybody off ill .
21 Do not deflect the opponent so that his open side faces you or you may well find yourself facing a powerful reverse punch fuelled by the fall forward .
22 The doctors are appalled by the press , everybody is appalled ; the nurse is freaking out and saying she will not take me to the operating theatre because they will take my picture and harass me ; she is terrified somebody is going to hit her , so in the end my lawyer wheels me because nobody else dares .
23 The sound of his bracelet precedes him and he brings a rush of morning chill in .
24 As your child grows he or she will pass from the totally secure , almost self-contained , world of the Lower Primary Department where we lay the basic foundations of the entire curriculum , good work habits , and mutual respect , into a carefully planned and ever widening educational experience .
25 My only wish is that my winning shows them that there is always hope , and all battles can be won .
26 You will have to consider which type of work interests you before you decide where to apply for training .
27 ( If my private test convinces me that I do not want what you think I want , I assume error in your reading of me the public tests , which I must expose or leave you unanswered . )
28 Er I did ask the question as well what what 's going to happen to these trees or what happens to these trees when the City Council removes them and I 've never got an answer yet and I 'm going to keep asking somebody some day will give me an answer .
29 The authoritative parent tells us that we should do things and judges us ; the loving parent tells us not to worry and that they care .
30 ‘ When clients have gone to a firm and believe that they have been treated badly , they tend to complain against the firm , not the engagement partner , and are surprised when the Institute tells them that they can not do so , ’ said Elwyn Eilledge , head of the working party .
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