Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] on [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Cups of half-finished tea were on the floor beside their chairs .
2 Anxiety , weakness , oppression and constriction in the chest ; sensation as if a great weight were on the chest .
3 FIVE prisoners being tried in connection with the Strangeways riot were on the run last night after escaping from a court .
4 Is there any joint and seems light , if the light were on the light catches them and you can see all the
5 None of the speakers suggested by the DUC were on the programme ; all the speakers , while ‘ allegedly neutral ’ , were considered pro-mining by the DUC .
6 Tranmere were on a roll and , to be fair , there are not many First Division sides that can stop them at their best .
7 Disillusioned with the ministry before he had even entered it , Vincent now said damningly that to trade in religion was on a par with trading in art or tulip bulbs .
8 One is how far advanced the Labour Party 's thinking was on the nature of planning it might undertake if it took power at the end of the second world war .
9 Er and this this case the there was a fire in a flat , the chap had gone out to work , we did n't know he 'd gone out to work , so we broke First of all we informed the fire brigade was on the way , we broke down the door , quick look in the flat , best possible way we could look , and the fire brigade turned up and dealt with the flat .
10 His cheque card was on the table .
11 When she woke next morning , she knew at once that Water Gypsy was on the move .
12 Luke 's wedding ring was on the table , close to her hand , and her eyes were wide open , like the eyes of someone who has just woken up .
13 Paul 's ring was on the bedside cabinet , where she 'd placed it , and her handbag …
14 The master bedroom looked out over one side of the front door and Benny 's bedroom was on the other .
15 In Gladstone Williams the defendant was on a bus when he witnessed what lie believed to be an attack by a large man on another , smaller youth .
16 And unfortunately , since she could actually hear the machine from the bedroom , it meant that the air-conditioning was on the blink once more !
17 On the way , just before Andover , he shot Spicer in the back of the head and as a result was on the run from police for several weeks .
18 A DEFENDANT on trial for a horrifying knife murder was on the run last night after walking out of the Old Bailey .
19 At last , after almost fifty years of problems , the Club was on the verge of a breakthrough , although at the time did not know it .
20 Her mind was on the gardener 's boy ,
21 Gaston was on the point of making her his heir .
22 All her concentration was on the squirt .
23 But in England the financial department was on the way to becoming a formal institution .
24 Folk prejudice was on the side of the naturalists rather than of the philosophers .
25 My cell was on the ground floor — slightly below the level of the ground , in fact , so that the window had afforded me , on occasion , a view of a warder 's waist , belt , keys , and truncheon , as he marched by .
26 By the turn of the century , alignment research was on the increase , although it was being carried on by individuals working in isolation from each other .
27 Now his full weight was on the rope , but it held .
28 In this respect , the opinions of the parliamentary leadership were not dissimilar to those of the majority of Labour supporters , but this congruence does not invalidate the claim that Labour 's substantive and definite electoral support bloc was on the decline , and was being replaced , at least at the margin , by a more conditional and circumspect form of popular support .
29 Although born in the city , she enjoyed from earliest childhood the spring and summer excursions when the yellow was on the broom , and she could accompany her mother on hawking expeditions ‘ up the Dee and doon the Don . ’
30 As he 'd told Alison , spitting and scratching were nothing new but that was mainly when the car was on the road .
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