Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] that i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 There was no attempt to persuade and the result was that I blew up .
2 The result was that I chaired a session and I got Pam Mills from the BBC to speak at it and everyone agreed it was one of the best sessions of the conference .
3 My reply was that I doubted if any such plan had a remote chance of success , and that I would want to be assured of the truthfulness and authenticity of the document he was planning to send me .
4 The thought uppermost in my mind was that I had always wondered how young horses felt when I knocked wolf teeth out of them .
5 Why else should I still be yearning after a man whom I knew to be a murderer while shrinking from the innocent Syl whose only crime was that I found him unattractive ?
6 ‘ His criticism of my sermon was that I had not gone far enough , ’ continued Father Kipling .
7 I think that the real reason that I wanted to do Total recall was that I knew it might make me famous which then might help me get better parts .
8 The other factor against a return was that I reckoned it only a matter of time before they stopped being DINKS ( double income , no kids ) and became WHANnies ( ‘ We have a Nanny ’ ) .
9 We had a succession of God-awful nannies we could n't afford — Clemence 's books had n't started to sell at that point — but the upshot was that I left for work late , came home early .
10 The only problem with the job was that I had to work on a lot of Saturdays , which naturally interfered with my athletics , though the company were quite generous in giving me time off .
11 But what really made the difference was that I got engaged to a girl called Jane Wilde , whom I had met about the time I was diagnosed with ALS .
12 The most obvious revelation was that I had a very ow opinion of myself and was constantly seeking the approval of others , because my mother had always withheld approval .
13 Helen : For some reason I thought of it that they 've given me this monster of a baby that I was n't going to be able to love , and some woman came round — she may have been the hospital social worker or an almoner — and spent about an hour telling me how this was going to completely change the course of my life , I was going to be saddled with this child that would need twenty-four hour care and attention , and I had to think carefully about whether I wanted that for the rest of my life , i.e. was I going to keep him — virtually talking me into not keeping him , and I think the turning-point was that I felt there was something coming from the outside that was , sort of , really trying to urge me to reject him , and that I rebelled against it .
14 The only snag was that I had bad after-effects from the anaesthetic .
15 The truth was that I did n't know how to effect such an aim , and if I found myself eating any more than the minimum — that is , enough for me to remain undetected by the authorities-I considered myself guilty of backsliding , and had to punish myself by eating even less the next day or at the next meal .
16 The effect of this inner sweetness was that I began to sing what previously I had spoken ; only I sang inwardly , and that for my Creator .
17 People envied me my birth and my childhood , but my secret pride was that I had rejected both to make of myself a prosaic and common-sense fellow .
18 Thinking about this now , I know that what I was saying in wanting my periods back was that I wanted to be a woman , that I wanted and liked my female body , that my years of confusion and self-dislike were beginning to be over .
19 ‘ I always tried to make Mojo more organised , ’ she says , ‘ but all that ended up happening was that I kept his diary and sent letters off for him .
20 I mentioned this to no one for two practical reasons : one was that I loathed swimming , and if I pretended that I was still menstruating , signing the little red book every four weeks , I should be able to evade an unpleasant experience for at least one week out of four ; the other was that I feared further reprisals might be taken against me .
21 What I was trying to say my Lord was that I did n't know was associated or was associated at that time .
22 ‘ I think my trouble was that I had too much help and felt as if my boobs were all anyone was interested in .
23 And another comment was that I tend to wear the teacher 's patience talking .
24 The greatest relief was that I had n't called in on my way down or I would have been with them .
25 The next facet of my approach was that I wanted to see more flexibility in the hands of local family health services authorities over the application of funds and the use of the substantial sums of money that are available to them for the development of primary health care .
26 I remember doing a crossword once and I could n't imagine what this word was that I 'd got .
27 Of course , my real reason was that I hoped to get him back , but it has n't worked . ’
28 My other reason was that I wanted to have an opportunity for a more leisurely chat with you about your future . ’
29 But the main reason was that I wanted to explain how far I felt we had come in our understanding of the universe : how we might be near finding a complete theory that would describe the universe and everything in it .
30 The true reason was that I want nothing to do with that country while it remains as it is , and if it had n't been for Jean-Paul I 'd have ceased all our operations out there years ago . ’
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