Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] to [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In further Parliamentary answers given in March and October 1985 , the Secretary of State made it clear : ( i ) that if the tariff was to be 20 years or more , there would be a local review committee review after 17 years ; and ( ii ) that the procedure announced by Mr. Brittan in November 1983 applied to discretionary as well as to mandatory life sentences .
2 This irony was only accentuated by the refugees ' initial belief that their exile was to be brief , a few days perhaps , at most a month , after which — in the manner of other civilians who had abandoned their homes in the midst of battle — they would return to their houses and fields to resume the life which had been interrupted by war .
3 Growing more acquisitive in the present , they prepared to disown the past ; the future was to be different , both for themselves and their children , and they had to run to catch up with it .
4 Rowe , the loyal Australian , stayed put , but a group of Australians whose influence on London and the underground was to be crucial had started the shift , including Neville , Sharp , and Germaine Greer .
5 An emphasis on its own policy for research was to be one of the CNAA 's most tangible responses to the development of a public sector of higher education .
6 The effect was to be startling and highly visible .
7 Their original term was to be twenty-one years , though extension was usual , and few restrictions were imposed on the trusts ' powers of raising capital on the security of the tolls , on their use of it , or on the appointment of toll gatherers , nor on the freedom to contract out the tolls at auction .
8 The United Kingdom and the Governments of several other member states consider that , if national measures of the type at issue were to be contrary to the articles of the E.E.C .
9 Arrears were to have been resolved by the introduction of the " unified housing benefit " , according to which tenants on supplementary benefit were to be relieved of responsibility for paying their rent by having it siphoned off directly by the DHSS .
10 The only enterprises to be excluded from this plan were to be geothermal power stations , the central airport , and " possibly " the railways and other important national facilities .
11 In this fighting , the Australian plan was to be bold while steadily withdrawing eastward , even though once boxed into a small corner of the island they would lose their precious mobility .
12 Principle , as well as expediency , therefore ensured that public service broadcasting was to be impartial .
13 All the accountants in the case were said to be acting as experts and not as arbitrators , and the determination was to be final and binding for all purposes .
14 John 's address stressed that the Council was to be pastoral rather than dogmatic , thus distancing himself from his advisers , and endorsing the view , condemned by Cardinal Ruffini , that the task of the Council was not to proclaim new dogmas but to find new ways of expressing the old ( see Abbott , p. 710–19 ) .
15 The physical and organizational settings in which children 's learning took place were to be all-important , and the combination of PNP resourcing , advisory effort and enhanced school staffing were all to be directed to their improvement , or to establishing what advisory staff termed ‘ the quality learning environment ’ .
16 His name was Marlon Brando , and his crimes against the establishment were to be rude to influential columnists , to fail to turn up at functions ( and when he did turn up he wore T-shirt and jeans ) , and publicly to deplore Hollywood and its natives .
17 The Justices of the Forest were to drive the deer from all disafforested districts into the remaining forests during the forty days after disafforestment : after the expiration of that time places put out of the forest were to be exempt from the operation of the Forest law .
18 It was not only in the area of economic ideas and cultural criticism that the First World War was to be important to the roots of British fascist thought .
19 Yet , said Mr. Watkinson , Lord Bridge can hardly have had it in mind that the private law right which he plainly regarded as coming into existence when the duty laid down in section 65(2) arose could give rise to a public law duty as to the manner in which the private law right was to be satisfied .
20 At least Ferdinando 's reaction was to be penitent and vow he would not visit the caffè again .
21 On hearing that the job was to be permanent he was gallant enough to ask Robert 's sanction before accepting .
22 It is about time fortune smiled on United and the way they went into the lead was to be honest a bit of a fluke .
23 Previously , the surest way of getting plenty of attention was to be naughty .
24 ‘ I have worked for many centuries to lift it , Nuadu , but it is a long hard task , for the punishment was to be eternal . ’
25 The question hammered in her brain and her great desire was to be alone .
26 Ideally , the roles of husband and wife were to be complementary , the husband earning the wage and the wife acting as ‘ chancellor of the family exchequer ’ and spending it wisely .
27 Collective w worship and religious education were to be compulsory in all county schools .
28 If the overlap were to be complete we would have perfect communication : both parties would have identical perceptions and whatever happened in one bubble would happen in the other .
29 If an offending media organisation were to be obliged to publish the ombudsman 's findings , Lord Mackay said , there would be a fair degree of pressure for it to pay up , although not formally bound to do so .
30 On Jan. 14 it was announced that the government had reached agreement with the United States for the rescheduling of repayments of debt principal and interest totalling US$47,000,000 , due between June 1 , 1991 , and June 30 , 1992 ; part of this — US$18,700,000 due to the US Agency for International Development ( USAID ) — was to be postponed for 10 years , while the rest was to be subject to a six-year grace period .
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