Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] in [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 This provided not only an overview of the stated intentions of Major Project schools but also some kind of check that the six schools chosen as the focus for our study were in these terms not atypical .
2 The Shah had always preferred Republicans to Democrats and he had felt that Carters human rights programme was in some senses directed against him .
3 Criticism which could be levelled at this study was in many ways similar to that of youth cultures .
4 Certainly the ambition was in both cases the same : in a lecture which he gave soon after finishing The Cocktail Party he declared that he only wished to write plays " of contemporary life " .
5 Agnes and Tommy Docherty 's marriage was in many respects typical of their generation and typical of their catholic upbringing in the west of Scotland .
6 The allocation of work was in some cases based upon people 's skills outside ; for example , prisoners who had been barbers , washermen , gardeners or ‘ sweepers ’ ( refuse collectors and cleaners from the lower castes ) were given similar jobs if available , but , generally speaking , new inmates were assigned a task without much deliberation or consultation .
7 This work was in some ways inferior to that done in America , where engineers had developed a disc-cutter with better frequency-range and lower distortion , and their pressings had lower surface-noise as well .
8 Naturally the radio did n't work as the aeroplane was in several pieces .
9 Moreover , a change from philosophy was in many ways to be desired , as it so often is .
10 His apparent obsession with Swindon Town was in many respects the beginning of the end .
11 After taking breath specimens , neither of which contained more than 50 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath , the only indication by the constable given to the driver of his right to provide a replacement specimen was in these words :
12 His business was in some difficulties and , while in no danger of collapse , his fleet of ships had shrunk from eight to three against competition from the Far East .
13 Maurice 's funeral was in many respects indistinguishable from Beatrix 's .
14 The last time the Community was in such straits was in 1975 , when output fell 1% .
15 Evans says that the title of Gospel Oak was in many places conferred on to the tree that , ‘ in for instance the Suffolk village of Polstead , has long outlasted the ceremony ’ .
16 One of the organisers , Peter Goodwin , admitted that the day was in many ways depressing .
17 Regrettably , the NHS dental service was in many ways so successful that most of the practices of my acquaintance depended entirely on NHS fees with only one or two patients willing to pay for the entire cost of treatment .
18 The Indian civil service was in many ways like a hospital , its people bound together by the struggle to survive in a hostile environment .
19 The revival was in many ways only a relative one .
20 More recently there was Geoffrey Prime , who worked in the very heart of GCHQ ( see Chapter 4 ) , and Michael Bettaney , an MI5 officer whose drunken and strange behaviour was in many ways reminiscent of Guy Burgess 's yet similarly went undetected until reported by a defector ( see Chapter 4 ) .
21 There is much evidence to suggest that the American transformation was in many cases too sudden , too linked with immediately available federal grants , too concerned in fact with the importance of material provision rather than with steady and persistent thought and experimentation .
22 Yalta 's bad name was in some ways a bum rap .
23 Thus Marx 's model of historical development was in many respects only a sketch which left many problems unresolved .
24 One of the key assumptions of Morgan and Engels was that the shift from matriliny to patriliny was in some ways linked with the introduction of herding and , subsequently , agriculture .
25 The belief was in some senses a ‘ democratic myth ’ , but citizens participated in just enough well-behaved political activism to be able to believe in it .
26 The committee 's policy was in many respects akin to that just being abandoned by the Communist Party , but with a greater syndicalist content .
27 Foreign policy was in some ways still remarkably simple .
28 Outreach to land-users in the project area was in all cases ‘ slower than expected ’ , or seemed to have been forgotten altogether in the evaluation .
29 the trouble was in many ways is the man that booked it had had thirty five years ' experience of removals , he knew all the country you see .
30 The stencilled letters and numerals in Braque 's Portugais are the prelude to the introduction of collage into Cubist painting , and collage was in many ways the logical outcome of the Cubist aesthetic .
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