Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] the end " in BNC.

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1 The literary truth is that Modernism was in the end a starved and blighted world , joylessly based on a denial that language can depict the real .
2 You went off a main road went down another road and the village was at the end of a road and that was the end of it .
3 and he 's attitude was in the end well if you do n't want the education as it comes , we 'll teach you the education that you want and the first thing was
4 Anybody know what the correct fee was in the end ?
5 Another interesting twist to the evening was at the end of the show when the audience was invited to put questions to both performers whose answers to even the stupidest of enquiries were quick and funny with some excellent put-downs for those who dared to ask the wrong things .
6 The body was on the end one covered with a white rubber sheet .
7 In fact , the community was near the end of its financial tether .
8 Cos the skip was at the end there this , this morning , it was there at lunchtime , er , well when I went in
9 Lancaster Polytechnic was by the end of the 1960s one of the premier public sector institutions , with one in six of all CNAA degrees ( more than any other college or polytechnic ) .
10 He brought one arm around expansively , and the wooden bunk was at the end of it .
11 The steel hangar with the faded painted name of Babbidge above one door was at the end .
12 Miss Earley said her grandmother was at the end of her tether .
13 I always think of buttercups when I think of this time , for the fever hospital was at the end of a lane with meadows on either side , and these fields were bright with buttercups .
14 I joined the committee and my principal activity was in the end to assist in procuring its dissolution .
15 Certainly the driver seemed satisfied enough , she accorded with relief as with a smile he pointed to an illuminated notice indicating that her hotel was at the end of a narrow passageway leading from the main street .
16 There is no evidence to show what the position was at the end of the last war but in all probability there has been an improvement over the years .
17 the , the treat was at the end they gave them a very er , an opportunity of having a very strong drink
18 From our rented cottage on the north Pembrokeshire coast , not many yards from the cliff and the coastal path , we could see them ; their youth hostel destination was at the end of our lane .
19 If the cursor was at the end of a line , it moves to the start of the next line ( left edge of the window ) .
20 But that difficulty was in the end surmounted and , on the whole , the writing was easy and pleasurable .
21 Our cottage was at the end of a fisherman 's row , brightly painted , and owned by Mr Jake Nisbet .
22 Before 1952 the only alphabetical index was at the end of the volume .
23 Jotan 's house was at the end of a street which curved to follow the line of the city wall .
24 Armies chose these banks as suitable places for crossing the Rhine , and a particularly eventful time was around the end of the eighteenth century and the start of the next .
25 Stok 's temporary office was at the end of a long corridor lined with dusty panes of glass that almost permitted you to see beyond them into the honeycomb of bureaucracy .
26 Their Lordships are satisfied with the course taken by the trial judge and are further satisfied that the adverse effect on the jury from the defendant 's point of view was in the end no greater than it would have been if counsel had not made his improper observation .
27 For its part , the Labour Government of 1960 did a " U turn " on a number of pledges ( most notably by restoring charges for the health service ) , and although the party entered office in 1974 with a series of clear policy commitments more radical in tone and in aspiration than any that the party had endorsed since 1945 the promise of industrial regeneration and social justice was in the end reneged .
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