Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What developed was a massacre rather than any battle , as disciplined and prepared thousands bore down upon a scattered , unready and largely leaderless crowd , which could have had no idea that any enemy were on this side of the river .
2 The freeboard , when the boat was under this load , was not to be less than 16in amidships and 22. ½ at bow ends .
3 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
4 The compact was on this occasion approved by 4,633 votes ( 59.8 per cent ) to 2,988 ( 38.6 per cent ) but , as on previous occasions , the level of approval fell short of the 75 per cent necessary to amend the Constitution as required by the terms of the compact .
5 In 1954 , 31 per cent of those officially classified as in work were in this category .
6 As an extension of this military competence , the constable was by this date the established authority in cases of treason which had involved raising war against the king .
7 As an extension of this military competence , the constable was by this date the established authority in cases of treason which had involved raising war against the king .
8 Ninety nine per cent of our work was of this nature but the other one per cent of excitement seemed to compensate for the disappointments .
9 Young Solper was on this list , not before time .
10 The Council was at this stage receiving not only reports from its committees but also the reports of visiting parties .
11 It was found that when a number of digits , or memory set , was presented on the computer screen and the subject was asked to respond as to whether or not a ‘ probe ’ digit was in this memory set reaction time increased , although not linearly , as the size of the memory set increased .
12 The Franco-Prussian war was at this time still a recent memory , and German mathematicians quickly suspected that nationalistic sentiment lay behind the accusations directed at their adopted son .
13 They were also recruiting among teachers and the Protestant clergy and among the Prussian civil service , employees of which were normally banned from belonging to political organisations , but whose membership was in this case overlooked .
14 The windows of the Iranian embassy in Washington were forever hung with pots of caviar and magnums of Don Perignon and the whole town was at this feet — until they were swept by the revolution from under him .
15 The typical industrial town was at this period still a medium-sized city , even by contemporary standards , though as it happened in central and eastern Europe some capital cities ( which tended to be very large ) also became major centres of manufacturing — e.g. Berlin , Vienna and St Petersburg .
16 I tell you , colleagues , am I glad that meeting was before this Congress .
17 She crept through it like a cat , keeping to the shadows , avoiding anybody who might ask what her business was in this place .
18 And of course British capitalism was by this stage a very different capitalism from that of the inter-war years : a social formation in which the organised working class , as organised in the trade unions , was at least consulted and listened to by governments as a matter of course , and in which the major political forces took for granted the obligation to minimise unemployment and to preserve and expand the welfare state .
19 I mean , your husband was at this party in … ? ’
20 parochials — whose world is largely bounded by the ward , individual constituents and their problems ( 15 per cent of sample were in this group ) ;
21 After 2200 and before 0100 , 217 ( 26.8% ) of the visits were to children aged under 5 years whereas only 110 ( 14.2% ) of the visits later in the night were to this age group ( χ 2 =37.47 , df=1 , p<0.001 ) .
22 The ‘ Hitler myth ’ and terror were in this sense two indispensable sides of the same coin , ensuring political control and mobilization behind the regime .
23 An important part of parliament 's business concerned affairs of state : decisions about royal marriages , war and trade were of this kind .
24 Until about five years ago most boats in general club use were of this sort .
25 Many members of the British cabinet were by this time reluctant to make peace on any terms short of a glorious victory , but after tortuous negotiations Austria , France and Britain agreed the " Four Points " on 27 July / 8 August 1854 .
26 Say what you like about Eliza Grierson , she was a very particular housewife , so how come the flat was in this state ?
27 The bolt was on this side , the stack-yard side .
28 She and Miki took to the stage again with Ministry , Miki sporting a rockerific white flying V. If I can remember correctly , Howard our manager was by this time on all fours with a bottle of tequila clutched firmly between his mitts — but this is what we pay him for .
29 Priority was in this way accorded to the least prosperous regions and countries of the Community , partly arising from an expectation that these areas might otherwise be expected to benefit least from the SEM .
30 The binder twine was in this thing you see and it went
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