Example sentences of "[noun sg] [was/were] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In this connection we may even talk of rules of language , as if a linguistic practice were like a game .
2 Tranmere were on a roll and , to be fair , there are not many First Division sides that can stop them at their best .
3 The years of partnership were at an end .
4 Disillusioned with the ministry before he had even entered it , Vincent now said damningly that to trade in religion was on a par with trading in art or tulip bulbs .
5 She 's married to an Englishman ; they live in Norwich , ’ he explained quietly , and then his eyes lowered momentarily to her mouth , and that one glance was like a caress .
6 Discipline in the Jewish Brigade was of a sort unknown in any conventional army :
7 By the end of the 1970s the American electorate was in a fluid , dealigned state with parties no longer able to provide the degree of structure that they had contributed in the past .
8 Water Gypsy was in a lock .
9 Hills v. Ellis the defendant was outside a football match where he witnessed a policeman arresting a person whom he believed to be faultless .
10 In Gladstone Williams the defendant was on a bus when he witnessed what lie believed to be an attack by a large man on another , smaller youth .
11 The Chief Justice 's reference to the lack of an equal footing was , in my view , to the fact that the defendant was in a position to force the plaintiff to comply with the lawful demand if he wished to obtain the necessary licence to continue to trade , and not simply to the fact that the defendant held an official position whereas the plaintiff did not .
12 This was a clear case where the defendant was in a position to and did in fact exert duress to require payment of the sum unlawfully claimed .
13 Its worst loss of nerve was over a Channel 4 programme MI5 's Official Secrets in which Cathy Massiter , a former MI5 case officer responsible for surveillance of the peace movement , alleged that her investigations into CND had been passed on to government ministers for party-political use .
14 Secondly , he must be ‘ absolutely assured that the High Command was in a position to furnish us with the necessary men and material for the continuance of the offensive , and that not by driblets , but on a large scale ’ Thirdly , the campaign should be halted the moment ‘ we ourselves were losing more heavily and becoming exhausted more rapidly than the enemy ’ .
15 All that was needed for defeat was for a couple of Liberal Democrats to switch sides .
16 Tess was in a dream as she skimmed .
17 The workroom was in a mess .
18 One dead soldier was in a sitting position , his back against a wall , his head leaning backwards with the eyes staring and mouth hanging open , his blonde hair matted and covered with blood .
19 Sandy tried to think of something to say , something that would explain how she felt ; but the image that formed in her mind was of a punchbowl brimming with vomit , and she knew instantly that she was about to do likewise .
20 His mind was in a fog .
21 His mind was in a whirl and he was worried .
22 Grant 's mind was in a whirl as he sought desperately for a way out .
23 Laura 's mind was in a whirl as she gazed at him silently for a moment .
24 Ecstatic scenes greeted Gordon Richards as Pinza was led to the unsaddling enclosure , and although to some he seemed oddly unmoved , he wrote subsequently that ‘ my mind was in a turmoil , and my brain perhaps a little numbed … the reception which the crowd gave me was something out of this world . ’
25 My mind was in a turmoil , and my brain perhaps a little numbed .
26 Yanto 's mind was in a turmoil when he reached home that night .
27 The papers lay there unread , however , because her mind was in a turmoil .
28 It was as if the idea of God in the mind was like a shadow thrown on a wall .
29 A Sechem 's mind was like a sponge , soaking up information until a connection could be made between apparently unrelated areas of scientific fact .
30 The tailored long-sleeved calf-length black coat with tight wristbands and single-button or tape fastenings at the neck was in a decline , as in came the fashionable three-quarter length cloak — of black , certainly , but heavily embroidered and trimmed with braid .
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