Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] like a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A moral life without reference to religion is like a house built on sand .
2 As Brian Clough told me when I met him on the top of the Little Elm bus earlier this season — we were both going to check out Little Elm Intaflora 's young Dutch forward , Kylie Van Der Graaf — ‘ Sadly , young man , football is like a football . ’
3 Lazing on a gleaming deck , the water lapping gently against the side is like a lullaby and I manage only 15 pages of Frederick Forsyth before succumbing to the pleasures of a hot Ontario sun .
4 Murder is like a game of hazard .
5 My mind is like a stage , with the actors , their costumes , props , scripts and agents all streaming on from stage right .
6 The mind is like a vat in which time works on all the ideas and changes them .
7 Oh my god his mind 's like a sieve .
8 The car 's like an oven inside . ’
9 Each contribution in the field of biblical research is like a footprint in sand .
10 The effect is like a courtier in a tatty second-hand livery : the intention grand , but the actual impression tawdry , almost ridiculous .
11 The effect is like a frog swelling its neck .
12 His puffy mouth is like a boxing glove ,
13 Marriage is like a journey in a boat .
14 His gaze is like a star , that can not see ,
15 For the keen sportsman , the village is like a holiday dream come true .
16 Dis poetry is like a riddim dat drops
17 ‘ Noddy ’ is the name given to a group of tropical terns whose plumage is like a negative of the more familiar shades of white body with a dark cap to the head .
18 Each gothic window is like an ironing board .
19 Stone does not go this far , although he can not resist quoting an Irish opponent of divorce during the referendum campaign of 1986 to the effect that ‘ a woman voting for divorce is like a turkey voting for Christmas ’ ( p. 420 ) .
20 Auntie 's laugh is like a man 's laugh — deep and loud .
21 Denys Zacharopoulos , one of its three curators , says : ‘ The museum is like a voodoo fetish , the artist a sorcerer but also a prisoner ’
22 ‘ This equipment is like a lighthouse sweeping up the hydrocarbons from all around it , ’ he said .
23 By the time they become experienced buyers , they will realise that the partnership between them and the lender is like a marriage — it 's not that easily broken !
24 Someone who has received an object in exchange is like a buyer ; and so is someone who has received it in payment or retained it after settlement of a law suit or obtained it on the basis of a promise otherwise than as a gift .
25 Howie 's like a lot of them up here , ’ he says .
26 The plain is like a field of poppies , with the flowers growing most thickly near the river .
27 A good colourist is like a juggler with ten balls in the air at once and able to catch them all .
28 This place is like a labyrinth , she thought with a sudden shiver , as yet another door opened in front of her .
29 This place is like a morgue . ’
30 ‘ Bloody place is like a morgue nowadays . ’
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