Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] more [to-vb] with " in BNC.

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1 They have argued that most crime is petty and that the increase in recorded crime is more to do with the public 's decreased tolerance than anything else :
2 This can be used to reinforce the differences between preference and ordinary shares although in this case the explanation does not lie in that direction as there are no preference shares ; rather the explanation is more to do with stability of dividends in an attempt to bolster shareholders ' confidence .
3 The fourth response is more to do with the response of the women 's movement to adult education than the other way round and about welcoming adult education as just one more arena in the battle for women 's liberation .
4 Some of the legislation concerned with registering a death is more to do with fears of grave-robbing some 150 years ago than with the requirements of society at the end of the twentieth century .
5 It may be that difficulty in getting people with problems to consult a solicitor is more to do with their perception of the problem and the ability of a solicitor to help than with the cost and availability of the advice service .
6 Likes and dislikes apart , the inheritance which matters most for our thinking at this stage is more to do with what has fashioned our inner responses , especially the responses which cause us discomfort , anger , anxiety or conflict .
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