Example sentences of "[noun sg] [is] know [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Infection inside the bladder is known as cystitis .
2 The mayor is known by courtesy as ‘ The Right Worshipful the Mayor ’ .
3 The force is known as Onuca — a Spanish acronym for US Observer Group For Central America .
4 The Shaw neighbourhood is known for drug-trafficking and prostitution .
5 The most effective way to use essential oils for skin-care is known in France as a cure .
6 This condition is known as foreclosure .
7 That afternoon he preached to three thousand people , so it is claimed , and the place where he preached that sermon is known as Fox 's Pulpit .
8 The windmill at the eastern approach to the village is known as Gibraltar Mill , and has undergone many transformations in the course of its life , from its original construction in 1680 to its recent conversion to a private house .
9 The law is known as Advogadro 's principle , Avogadro 's theory or Avogadro 's hypothesis .
10 Similarity of appearance and function that is not based on homology is known as analogy .
11 This kind of desert is known as reg and covers vast areas .
12 The point that the king was out hunting is not insignificant : hunting was an appropriate pastime for kings , and Guntram is known from Gregory to have been a keen huntsman .
13 The house in question is known as Earls Fold and is next to Springfield Farm on the west side of the Square .
14 The place is known as Wilder 's Wilderness . ’
15 All stops and times are displayed so your ascent profile is known in advance .
16 The author 's job is to know about literature ; what he might or might not know about life is irrelevant to that job .
17 the package is known to LIFESPAN as a module of type PACKAGE
18 the package is known to LIFESPAN as a module of type Package
19 So little of a reliable nature is known of Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's life , so prominent is the association of him with Aksaray that it is tempting to think that he passed his whole life there : such certainly is the thrust of the Ottoman sources as well as Melikoff 's article .
20 At Tothill the mound is known as Toot Hill and is situated behind a lovely seventeenth century Lincolnshire manor house .
21 These are the numbers by which the file is known in RMS .
22 This process is known as photolysis .
23 This process is known as EUTROPHICATION and has been observed in several places in the UK in the past .
24 The Magistrates ' Court therefore has a dual function : to try minor cases ( summary offences ) and to consider whether on indictable offences there is sufficient evidence for a Crown Court trial ; this process is known as committal proceedings .
25 With age the lining of the arteries becomes narrowed and roughened : this process is known as atherosclerosis .
26 This process is known as sterilization .
27 The process is known as convection , and it is widely , but not universally , believed to work on a huge scale in the mantle .
28 This process is known as elaboration , and involves a fruitful interaction between theory and data .
29 This process is known as fractionation .
30 This process is known as segmentation , and methods vary considerably resulting in individual strokes , characters , or some unit which is usually less than a character .
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