Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [Wh det] be [be] " in BNC.

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1 Because computer memory was prohibitively expensive and the machines terribly slow ( at least by today 's standards ) it was impossible for the compositor to see what was being typeset until it had all been processed .
2 It should cause every parent to check what is being done at local schools .
3 ‘ You think I do n't have the right to know what 's being said behind my back ? ’
4 Nonetheless every partner will have a right to know what is being carried on in his firm 's name and for which he is ultimately answerable .
5 Where there is overlap between turns it has some particular significance : signalling annoyance , urgency , or a desire to correct what is being said .
6 Partnerships , small scale as well as large , need a clear sense of purpose made explicit in objectives , they need a strategic plan for achieving these objectives which is communicated to and understood by those involved and they need a review and evaluation process built into the whole to determine what is being achieved .
7 Several other students were concerned about their inability to understand what was being taught in the lectures ; a commonly expressed view was that they could n't take notes and follow what was being said at the same time .
8 Notice that Wordsworth can play off speech-rhythm against the iambic pattern ; if one reads the extract aloud ‘ List'ning ’ and ‘ Broke ’ , for example , are heard to run counter to the expected rhythm and help the verse to mime what is being described .
9 Fourth , the adult 's ongoing assessment of the child 's ability to understand what is being said and to make herself understood , may determine what the adult talks about and the way in which adult language is related to the context .
10 You would need to know which meaning was intended in order to understand what was being said .
11 Or is it that inside all organizations there are , continuously , small discoveries to be made in order to improve what is being done — and that schools do not differ from other organizations ?
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