Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [noun pl] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Some bands who made their own recordings took the opportunity to encourage others to follow their example .
2 It enlisted the help of the Town Crier to encourage parishioners to empty their larders in time for Lent .
3 When he suspected a specific person , it was his responsibility to find witnesses to support his case .
4 In the 1760s Catherine II of Russia had in self-defence to issue decrees ordering her subjects to petition her only through the appropriate officials and not by the direct personal presentation to her of their grievances and requests .
5 The results of assessments and examinations have been a valuable source of feedback to enable teachers to evaluate their teaching material , curriculum , presentation and so on .
6 It is also a part of modern rehabilitation therapy to encourage offenders to express their feelings and experiences regarding their crimes .
7 In an attempt to get farms to sell their above-plan harvest to the republic , scarce consumer goods were earmarked for sale to farms in return for grain ( such as a television set for 30 tonnes of grain ) .
8 From Oct. 1 , Czech and Slovak citizens would have the opportunity to purchase coupons enabling them to buy shares .
9 As a result , US employers were adamant in their determination to resist efforts to unionise their steel mills .
10 A POSTER campaign to help farmers make their farms safer for children has been launched by NFU Mutual chairman Alun Evans at the Mutual 's head office at Stratford-upon-Avon .
11 He suggests that parents should stage pretend exams at home to help children plan their answers — and how to read the questions .
12 Some attempts were made to stem the tide : in November and December 1939 ( in view of the approach of Christmas ) the Board of Education and Ministry of Health launched , via the Ministry of Information , a propaganda campaign to persuade parents to keep their children in reception areas .
13 Local councils have voted their ratepayers ' money to help executives defend their reputations , the BBC hazarded licence-money in backing Desmond Wilcox 's claim against " Private Eye " , and the Foreign Office footed the legal bill for diplomats accused of " covering up " the truth about the death of nurse Helen Smith .
14 It was primarily management 's responsibility to help workers to do their jobs in a high-quality way ( " doing it right first time " ) , by identifying the sources of error and planning the production process to prevent their occurence. 7 Constant striving for improvement : TQM is a never-ending struggle to an unattainable goal .
15 They occur because information is costless to transmit , and the public policy problem that they create involves trading-off the full disclosure of new information ( which is optimal whenever the marginal costs of information transmission are zero ) with the need to preserve incentives to generate it ( i.e. to cover the costs of producing that information ) .
16 The effectiveness of the support provided by the IDB to encourage companies to develop their export potential may be illustrated by the results which they achieve through their involvement in these schemes , and during 1990/91 , companies taking part in the IDB trade missions and trade fairs programme reported actual and potential orders totalling around £46 million .
17 Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic followed his foreign minister to refuse to take part in any further big peace conferences and instead urged the international community to let Muslims defend themselves against the Serbs .
18 Under the terms of the Compromise , Member States were supposedly given the right to veto decisions affecting their vital national interests ; under the terms of this Maastricht Declaration they effectively renounce that right , thus giving to foreign policy at the outset the same status as that acquired by other areas of policy where the Compromise has gradually been eroded over many years .
19 Edinburgh received funding in 1989 as part of the Enterprise in Higher Education Initiative to assist students to prepare themselves for their future .
20 However confident the mass of the population may have felt in the durability of Britain 's world role , those who ruled in Britain knew full well the kind of dangers the country faced and the need to take steps to meet them
21 " The Moslem Brothers , who are more anxious than anyone for the stability of Egypt and the welfare of its citizens adhere to legal means in their preaching and the defence of their right to undertake activities to realise their goals , " he said .
22 He had gone into his father 's firm of solicitors where his looks endeared him to wives in divorce cases , although his extreme reluctance to take decisions prevented them obtaining the best results .
23 A Scottish firm had produced a transmitter enclosed within a golf ball to enable golfers to locate their wayward shots .
24 It may seem a chore to gather invoices to document your expenses , but without these , items of expenditure may not be allowed as a deduction from income by the Inland Revenue .
25 In Bennett v. Bale the defendant had invited a person to tell lies to disguise what he believed had been the commission of a licensing offence .
26 Theoretically the government had greater leeway to introduce reforms to improve their conditions and increase their productivity .
27 Providers felt they were working against each other to capture trainees to ensure their own survival .
28 But the compulsion becomes specially evident when the right is a claim to something material , because what one has another must go without : a right to free travel is a claim to compel others to transport me at their expense ; a right to a pension is a claim to compel others to transfer part of their income to me .
29 LAURENTIAN Financial group has produced a free guide to help readers plan their personal finances ahead of the end of the 1992/93 tax year .
30 Thus the way a prison warder , or even a shopfloor supervisor , exercises authority to get subordinates to do what he wants will be different from the way in which the director of a public company or the managing director of an audit firm will exercise theirs .
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