Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] when [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 None of the men made any attempt to escape when they struggled , subdued and shaken , on to the bank .
2 ‘ There 'll be a high gangway to climb when we get alongside Omega , ’ she told them .
3 She made no attempt to move when he came in , just lay there looking vulnerable .
4 It could n't be left there for the old lady to find when she came down to breakfast .
5 She did The Old Man and the Seal with ease , acting old , acting a big man and swimming the breast-stroke in the air , and they got it almost immediately and then she flopped on to Conrad 's knee and he laid his wine-filled head on her breast and somebody wiped a smear of black kohl from her cheek and she felt like a child again and thought of how Gabriel had nursed his little girl to sleep when she had been tired and fading away .
6 ‘ To be fair , it 's a hell of an act to follow when you consider Gordon has already led us to two championships in the space of three seasons .
7 Hand-on-heart declarations that rugby is an amateur game and that players have freedom to play when they choose , do not in this competitive , rewarding age , ring true .
8 Richard has installed an organ in his living room , which we had an opportunity to hear when we stayed with him in August .
9 Those gastric acids have a much tougher job to do when they have to fight their way through fibrous cell-wall material .
10 Many of the ordinary Panamanians who gave the general such a stinging defeat in May 's annulled elections were astonished that the US allowed the coup to collapse when it had 12,000 troops stationed around the canal .
11 They saw them as fertile slopes on which to grow tea and coffee , as well as a cool and pleasant place to live when it became uncomfortably hot nearer sea level .
12 May we have the courage to respond when we sense that He is speaking to us .
13 This is the utility package to beat when it comes to value for money .
14 So your personality sets very broad limits , but whatever its nature it leaves you with plenty of room to manoeuvre when it comes to ways of behaving .
15 Causes , even heaven to rejoice when they see those who are lost acknowledging their lostness , and responding and being found .
16 ‘ Naylor ! ’ she sighed again in the utmost rapture , and , clutching him , had not the smallest demur to make when he removed her bra and began to caress the swollen mounds of her pink-tipped breasts .
17 WALES rugby league skipper David Young has a point to prove when he leads Wales out against France in Perpignan tomorrow .
18 There only 3 places off the bottom and the drop into the non-league world and there was just one minute to go when they saved themselves in this match .
19 Only then will they win the middle ground , and only then will they give their policies a chance to persist when they have moved out of office .
20 But Finnan was true to his word , and there was beer that night to drink when they had beached and set the horses to graze ashore , and lit their fires on the bank .
21 Well you got nearly a mile to walk when he gets to the station .
22 If an offender , even a very young offender , has been given the benefit and assistance of probation and has been given a community service order , what is the court to do when he comes back again and again and again ?
23 If you are faced with this , the only thing to do is to refuse to be drawn into any fruitless arguments , but stand firm in your resolve to leave when you feel you must , assuring her of your affection and concern for her and your intention to visit her again as soon as you can .
24 I fell in the brown water and fouled my frock , and the men never heeded , of course , but there was the devil to pay when we got home at night . ’
25 In any event many contracts for the provision of the service come up for regular renewal , giving you the chance to tender when they do .
26 If there are n't any , the philosophy behind our divorce laws is simple — try , if at all possible , for a ‘ clean break ’ settlement between you and your wife , which will mean that the two of you are rid of each other for good — no painful writing of the monthly cheque , no waiting for the phone to ring when you have n't sent it .
27 We 've got a bottle of wine in the fridge to open when we get our money .
28 Social workers have a key role to play when someone suspects that a child is being abused .
29 That made McIllvanney a gold-plated pimp , though he preferred to describe himself as a ‘ leisure-agent ’ ; however , he usually had the grace to smile when he used that label .
30 Suppose that I have a sudden impulse to settle when I retire in the village where I was born ; but reality breaks in , I recognize that I had better remember it not as a nostalgic vision but as I indeed saw it before experiencing the city , admit to myself that it will have changed beyond recognition , try to anticipate living in it not as I am now but as an old man who no longer easily makes new friends , try to see myself through the villagers ' eyes as already a stranger who may no longer deserve a welcome .
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