Example sentences of "[noun sg] [to-vb] [conj] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This ‘ glosses over the real distinctions in the capacity to consume and ignores the low paid , the unemployed , the old ’ ( p.22 ) , though the ubiquity of the culture-ideology of consumerism actually does include everyone ( or , at least , all urban dwellers ) however poor , because no one can escape its images .
2 This however is not due to a desire to rock'n'roll but represents an instinctive response to signals interpreted by their mind configuration as a call to food , sex or perhaps just good arachnid company .
3 The refusal to concede that gives an obstinate glory to Spanish policy , conquered any thought of a negotiated settlement .
4 Nevertheless the court went on to discuss in some detail what the position would have been if the appeal could properly have been entertained , expressing the opinion that ( i ) ( Silke V.-P. differing ) there was no ground to intervene in the Barclays ( Asia ) case ; and ( ii ) ( all members of the court concurring ) there was no ground to intervene as regards the order in which the cases should be decided .
5 In the universities , anti-imperialist students were discovering Marx but generally had little of substance to propose as regards the development of the domestic economy , or at least little which found a resonance among the masses .
6 It is not a clean thing to do and makes the room horribly untidy .
7 Their Lordships have no doubt that he was right to do so , for although it is obvious that a judge of subordinate jurisdiction has no power to make an order which directly governs the proceedings which not only are not before him but are in progress in a court of superior jurisdiction , the proposition that , when deciding what course to take as regards the furthering of the proceedings which are before him , he is forced to ignore the other proceedings entirely , is in their Lordships ' opinion quite unsustainable .
8 It enables a price system to operate and facilitates the production and exchange of goods .
9 Each place has a special story to tell and offers a new experience of history : from neolithic man to Roman invasion , from William the Conqueror to the Civil War , from the Restoration to Queen Victoria and beyond .
10 It takes very little time to do and makes an enormous difference to the finished garment .
11 With a spreadsheet set up on a personal computer , this requires very little time to calculate and provides a direct guide to strategies concerned with cost leadership .
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