Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] have be in " in BNC.

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1 But in view of passages in Revelation like 7:3 which speak of ‘ sealing the servants of God in their fore-heads ’ , and Romans 4:11 which speaks of circumcision as ‘ the sign and seal of being in the right with God through faith ’ , it is not impossible that baptism may have been in the apostle 's mind when he spoke of this sealing with the Spirit .
2 Ford 's money may have been in evidence , but Ford 's men were not .
3 So it 's a bit frightening when you think a pensioner 's money may have been in that account at thirteen fifty on a , on ten thousand invested , and now they 're down to seven hundred .
4 The Judge said the gang may have been in a state of panic , but the police were unarmed and it was miracle they were n't seriously injured .
5 I 'm forty-eight this year , me mum must have been in there nearly fifty year .
6 CLEAR SIGNS that a doping ring may have been in operation emerged yesterday when the Jockey Club admitted that Surrey police are investigating the ‘ nobbling ’ of a horse at Yarmouth last August .
7 ‘ We ca n't be absolutely sure of the sequence of events but the victim was hit from behind and fell against the door leading into the garage , so the killer must have been in the house .
8 After all the sniggering and playing up of our away record , you might have though SOME mention might have been in order ? ?
9 I dread to think where the pound would have been in the past few days if I had followed the advice of Opposition Members .
10 Imagine what the result would have been in Salomon 's case if the company created was one of unlimited liability : all the members would have been personally liable for the debts owned by the company to the creditors .
11 If Skipper had been an older horse who knew what he should do and was simply messing about , a reprimand might have been in order .
12 Any parent who is worried their child may have been in contact with the doctor can still phone the hospital for advice .
13 However widespread such an attitude may have been in popular piety ( and perhaps it has been widespread ) , and though it may be thinkable to a Latin American theologian today , it is hardly orthodox .
14 Sheila and John think the burglar must have been in the house when they returned from a night out .
15 The marriage must have been in trouble even then , he thought , and he had n't known .
16 Carr , who went the distance with Wharton last time , protested about the stoppage , after 2min 7sec of the eighth round , but if referee Dave Parris had allowed the fight to continue the Australian could have been in serious trouble .
17 ‘ That boy could have been in my company or squadron .
18 As I began to eat , her lunch would have been in its final stages and Susan , our three-year-old , anxious to leave the table .
19 The girl would have been in her late twenties , early thirties , Newman estimated .
20 ‘ Unless the Government acts to free students from this sort of red fascism , then all the words of the Education Reform Act will have been in vain . ’
21 Police believe the body may have been in the field for several weeks and they 're still investigating the cause of death .
22 Coming back , as always , to the Jurassic , one has only to compare the 30 ammonite zones represented in one foot of sediment in Sicily with the 15 000 feet representing a single zone in Oregon , to realise how startlingly different rates of deposition must have been in different places .
23 The seller must have been in possession of the goods or documents of title .
24 England 's World Cup preparation outdoors could clearly not be ignored but , even with a weakened squad , a medal might have been in reach .
25 I check him over : square face , small eyes , black hair greased down , nose could have been in a fight .
26 It was important to find out whether Riddle 's body could have been in the Wheel and , if it could , was it possible for anyone other than Jordan to have put it there ?
27 The approach of the Court was that taking into account the three aggravating circumstances , the responsibility of the offender , the age of the girl and the degree of planning , the proper starting point would have been in the region of eight years : against that were the plea of guilty , the offender 's remorse and the effect on the offender of the double appearance .
28 His shop would have been in a back street , probably in a run-down part of the town , amongst the dwellings of those whom he catered for ; indeed , Sowerberry himself was only just above the bread-line .
29 Those old , glazed rope-twist tiles seem to be hard to find nowadays , and the ones in the picture will have been in the garden for many years .
30 Weak though its labour organisation may have been in the 1880s , it had a longer tradition of trade unionism among seamen than any other part of the country .
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