Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [prep] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Where the lessor recovers possession after the making of an order under s 138(3) above , the lessee may at any time within six months from the date on which the lessor has recovered possession , apply for relief ; the court may grant the lessee relief , subject to such terms and conditions as it thinks fit ( s 138(9A) ) .
2 It does n't mean that your regional accent is going to be bullied out of you , so that you are unable to use it ever again — on the contrary , your accent may in all probability be your most interesting and valuable possession .
3 In respect of any claim or series of claims for which this cover provides an indemnity to an Insured Person against his/her legal liability , the Insurer may at any time pay to the Insured Person the limit of indemnity after deduction of any sum(s) already paid as compensation or any lesser amount for which such claim(s) can be settled , and upon such payment being made , the Insurer shall relinquish the conduct and control of and be under no further liability in connection with such claim(s) except for payment of costs and expenses recoverable or incurred prior to the date of such payment .
4 Various indices now exist and it may be that the choice of index should to some extent be determined by the nature of the property .
5 I think we have to face facts , first fact is the the priority of the board must at this time be survival .
6 Is my right hon. Friend aware that her Department may to some extent be missing the point ?
7 The guidance may in any case often be dated .
8 In Hills v. Ellis , this was interpreted to mean that the act of the defendant must in some way be ‘ aimed at ’ the police , even if there need be no hostility towards them .
9 In the event that for whatever reason it has not proved possible to settle a claim either extrajudicially or by Tender well before the Proof , the defender should in any case in which he approaches Proof without wishing to contest on the merits , protect himself against the expenses thereof by Tender .
10 Maybe the authors realised this anyway , as they each made their colonies telepathic — and for that to solve the problem the collective mind must in some sense exist as a permanent , ordered structure of its own .
11 Are we to assume that the defendant might by some slip in pleading , have failed in his defence to that action , if it had proceeded ?
12 I 'd say publishing in The Square Ball does n't bring us ‘ overground ’ , as you put it Tim , but publishing in the programme might to some extent — it could imply some sort of ‘ official ’ status .
13 Nor that sweet grove of Daphne Biorontes and the inspired Castilian spring might with this paradise of eden strive .
14 The cautious practitioner might in any event serve notice of the second charge on the first mortgagee ( see Precedent 64 ) .
15 The Old Pretender could at any time become a menace if taken up by England 's enemies .
16 Questions like these in the consultant 's mind led to fanning a small positive spark in seemingly totally negative behaviour , and this made a difference to Mr E both in relation to his colleagues in the group , and as Dave 's teacher to whom a way out of a vicious circle of perpetual defeat could in this way be illustrated , again without explicitly referring to the analogy of the situation .
17 The first count of the declaration stated that the plaintiff had commenced action against the defendant in the Court of Exchequer to recover two sums of £700 and £1,300 , respectively , issue had been joined and the hearing was to take place on December 7 , 1844 ; that the defendant , on December 6 , 1844 , promised the plaintiff that , if he ( plaintiff ) would forbear prosecuting the proceedings until December 14 , the defendant would on that day pay the money with interest and costs ; that the plaintiff , relying on this promise , forbore prosecuting the action until the day named but that the defendant did not pay the money or costs .
18 This subjective impression among left-wing intellectuals such as Aragon and Nizan that the Soviet experiment would in some way resolve the contradictions of the writer/intellectual ensnared in the alienating social relations of capitalism is a key factor in explaining its attractiveness for dissident French writers in the 1930s .
19 The old insulation will in any case have become compacted and inefficient , and may also have been saturated by condensation within the loft space , due to inadequate ventilation .
20 MAS would propose to attend such a meeting unless it was considered that their presence might in any respect hinder the achievement of objective ( a ) above .
21 The law may in this instance have a role to play in drawing the attention of society in general and professionals in particular to the fact that boys , too , may be the object of sexual exploitation within the family .
22 Where a judge is the judge for two or more districts the judge or district judge may at any time upon application or upon his own motion direct that the hearing of proceedings pending before the judge in one court shall take place in some other court of which he is the judge .
23 The Executive Committee may at any time call an Extraordinary General Meeting on receipt of a requisition signed by not less than 40 members , such requisitions to state business to be transacted .
24 The grade point average and the development of educational testing may in this sense have as much of a backwash effect on the teaching and learning process in the United States as does the public examination system in Britain .
25 The simple system would be relatively easy to develop , and the equipment should in any case be obtained for other uses , such as in-house training .
26 But such homosexuality must in some sense be repressed ; overt ‘ masculine ’ homosexuality is subversive , says Irigaray , because it openly interprets the law according to which society operates and in so doing threatens it : ‘ once the penis itself becomes merely a means to pleasure , pleasure among men , the phallus loses its power ’ ( This Sex , 74 , 24 — 8 , 128 , 171 , 192 — 3 ; her emphases ) .
27 In order for parents to express these worries , however , the child must at some time have produced actual behaviour .
28 Further , acknowledgement of the fact that ‘ gods ’ have always been man-made , would also acknowledge that what has happened in the past has no binding effect , in short , humanity can at any time reconsider its ideas of ‘ god ’ and keep them abreast of its progress in all other fields .
29 25. ( 1 ) Any Director may at any time appoint another Director or any other person being a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is a member or officer of or is working in the practice of the Company approved by the Directors to be his alternate Director and may at any time terminate such appointment .
30 25. ( 1 ) Any Director may at any time appoint another Director or any other person being a solicitor or registered foreign lawyer who is a member or officer of or is working in the practice of the Company approved by the Directors to be his alternate Director and may at any time terminate such appointment .
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