Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] she would be " in BNC.

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1 Jason Prior was going to come out of this shining like a knight in armour while she would be condemned to eternal darkness , everyone believing it was her fault .
2 She was fighting her battles elsewhere , hauling herself out of the rut of common humanity to the point when she would be ready to accept the training the medicine man of the line of Armijah was destined to give her .
3 In this way , the mother provides her baby with more food over the period of its development than she would be able to pack into a single egg , and what is more , she can do this over a long period instead of being compelled to produce it all at one moment .
4 Morton saw that Leonard and Mrs Cohen were very close , and nothing emphasised this more than her willingness to take them and their friends out for meals , especially to a favourite Greek restaurant where she would be the life of the party , not least in singing , and encouraged by good wine which the restaurateur would ply them with in order to get the mood of the evening going .
5 They had made her realize that even with proved adultery it would be a long and uncertain fight before she would be allowed to take away both children as the Italian courts would be reluctant to let the prince 's son be brought up outside his own country .
6 It would mean returning to Wellington with a broken heart , and despite their short acquaintance she already knew it would be a long time before she would be able to evict him from her thoughts .
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