Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] they [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 BOURNEMOUTH gave Harry Redknapp a £100,000 golden handshake when he left the club because they thought he was quitting football , it was revealed yesterday .
2 Police hunting a man who raped a woman at Swindon college have widened their search because they believe he may have moved out of town .
3 Yet the authorities in America refused to give him a green card as a full-time athlete because they said he was n't good enough .
4 Magistrates declined to order compensation because they said he had been provoked .
5 TV aerials : one of the drama groups did a sketch about James Logie Baird who invented the television , and the man who lodged in the room next door to him kept on seeing pictures flashing on his wall and they dragged him off to the lunatic asylum 'cos they thought he was seeing things , hallucinating .
6 Villagers are demanding the removal of their local bobby because they say he 's been over-zealous in handing out parking tickets .
7 police took him in that night cos they thought he 'd burnt it out himself .
8 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
9 He had been dead a week before they realized he was n't breathing .
10 And the couple did not fly to the West Indies on honeymoon until they heard he was recovering .
11 I mean , my mate , he went to hospital cos they said he was allergic to something and they was putting him in a thing that only
12 But even as she fumed she could see the sense in his ploy — nobody would be suspicious of his frequent presence in the nightclub if they thought he had something going with Rory .
13 Three years ago Adam Dent 's parents took him out of school because they thought he was n't making enough progress .
14 His Quaker wife , the famous prison reformer Elizabeth Fry , felt members of her own family were also giving him the cold shoulder when they heard he was being ‘ investigated ’ by the Ratcliff and Barking monthly meeting .
15 They wo n't lay anyone a decent bet if they think he 's capable of backing a winner . ’
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