Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] he [vb past] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He left the sea and became an engineer with Brown Brothers at Bonnington Toll where he worked night shift for 3 years .
2 The Bishop did not slow his stride until he came face to face with Garvey ‘ You see where your ill-manners have led you , man ?
3 We exchanged small talk while he made coffee ; what were his plans ?
4 Pallister was never chosen for a district or county side when he played schoolboy football on Teesside .
5 And it looked very much like the Brazilian 's fault as he lost control of his Marlboro-McLaren-Honda and collided into the rear of the luckless Mansell 's Canon-Williams-Renault FW14B .
6 The then Chancellor , Nigel Lawson , was quick to recognise the implications not only for the industry but also the public purse when he froze duty on whisky .
7 Labour backbencher David Winnick highlighted our coverage of the vote as he urged Speaker Betty Boothroyd to investigate the allegations first made by Tory MP Teresa Gorman in TODAY that she was bullied and jostled .
8 It may have been this group Professor Ashton had in mind when he drew attention to the way in which London banks played a role in making available the " savings of agriculturalists ' to provide " much of the investment in manufacture " .
9 Ramsey , pompous , rubicund and white-haired , put on his mortar-board as he pronounced sentence and then , wrapped in his gown , swept into the adjoining room where the block , dating back some two hundred years , was kept .
10 One more adventurous boy decided to explore the overgrown slope behind the hut and he was pushing his way through the undergrowth when he caught sight of a figure approaching the hut further down the slope ; the boy was close enough to see that the figure was that of a tramp wearing tattered clothing and crowned with a battered trilby hat .
11 erm both he , he became a shepherd when he left school as well , erm something
12 Agnes chose quiche Maxim had n't been in Washington long enough to tire of seafood so he took crab .
13 Mr Norris was taken to Scunthorpe General Hospital but later transferred to Hull Royal Infirmary where he underwent surgery on his right thigh .
14 The TV licensing authority in Bristol confirmed Mr Smart had been told that technically he 'd be breaking the law if he watched TV before receiving the new licence .
15 When inspired by Tchaikovsky 's Fifth Symphony to create Les Frésages ( 1933 ) , Massine took a theme which proposed that Man would win his struggle against fate if he had Action , Love and Frivolity on his side .
16 When he was released he remained in Wales as a private schoolmaster until he became chaplain and tutor to the family of Lord Carbery in his beautiful house , ‘ Golden Grove ’ , in Carmarthenshire .
17 It probably also explains why the brothers Alexander and Richard Quadring entered his household after he became king .
18 It probably also explains why the brothers Alexander and Richard Quadring entered his household after he became king .
19 Terry Daniels of the polishing shop at Alexandra Pottery proved he is in the know on the green scene when he came top in the environmental competition in the last edition of Newsline .
20 It was recalled that Traoré had also promised political pluralism when he seized power in 1968 , had gone on to rule despotically for 22 years , imposing a one-party system .
21 But Foyle sealed Stoke 's fate when he rounded keeper Ronnie Sinclair to stroke the ball into an empty net with a minute to go .
22 Werewolf avoided my gaze as he sipped wine .
23 Oxford were beaten but not broken … and president Matthew Pinsent showed the true mark of a sportsman as he faced defeat
24 He was young and quick , he had surely the advantage provided he kept room to recoil out of range .
25 The 76 year old pensioner was beaten to death last Thursday in the pet shop where he worked part time .
26 That night , disregarding the jeers of his companions , he wrestled and prayed in the barrack room until he found peace with God .
27 Colonel Guillermo Wong headed G-2 military intelligence , the General 's post until he took control of the Defence Force .
28 I told her we were Baptists and she said she would tell her husband because he thought Gran was an amazing woman having such a large family , but she had told him that we probably belonged to ‘ one of these odd religions ! ’ .
29 President Bill Clinton , giving his first formal press conference since he took office two months ago , said Mr Yeltsin had shown a great deal of courage in standing up for democracy , civil liberties and market reforms .
30 He added that Keith 's return to the airwaves was a one-off for the time being , although he could be on the look-out for a job when he finished work on a book .
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