Example sentences of "[noun sg] [subord] you think of " in BNC.

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1 What images spring to your mind when you think of fire ?
2 Fatherhood is n't what instantly springs to mind when you think of Nigel .
3 He insists that ‘ you labour under a limitation when you think of a being or entity who is beyond the power of a man to grasp ’ , so it can be maintained that he is aware of the problems involved in his personal-impersonal uses of the term God .
4 For example if you think of the Vauxhall Cavalier advert where they 're crashing these Cavaliers all over the place , if you had a silicone er a silicon-based steel instead of crumpling nicely the steel would actually crack and break .
5 Looking back the staff who worked there are amazed that there was " such a good spirit when you think of all that people had to contend with " but the overwhelming impression is that of happiness and enjoyment .
6 The mountain now stands at 1.2m tonnes — a mind-boggling figure , best be put in context if you think of the 450-mile-long queue of 40,000 lorries which would be needed to carry it away .
7 Perhaps I 'll be unpopular here , but in fact until you think of a way preventing vandals from vandalising the toilets , as you know , I do n't think there is , nobody has come up with any other way of doing it .
8 meant beauty lotions or help for someone in trouble , we are today senior citizens , a hardy bunch when you think of how the world has changed and of the adjustments we have had to make and that is
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