Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [be] through the " in BNC.

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1 Release of part of the reserve should be through the project manager .
2 If she comes out by that hole her only route must be through the cage , in which she is then recaptured .
3 Access to the Church and Vicarage will be through the Wytham Street entrance .
4 But to be forever in child-bed , surrounded by countless sons and daughters , many of them ill ; to run a self-supporting household with endless heavy domestic chores ; to be victim to a view that a woman 's one means of self-fulfilment must be through the home — all that adds up to a state of affairs not to be envied .
5 Input devices range from microphones that go into the external jack to compact disk players ; output can be through the internal speaker , or via stereo speakers or headphones plugged into the speaker jack .
6 The second mechanism may be through the effect of insulin which actually may increase the number of LDL receptors at a cellular level ( Chait et al , 1978 ) .
7 However , a more successful method may be through the health visitor , in her visits to mothers in their own homes .
8 Movement of a chemical signal could be through the xylem , although this would require a reversal in the direction of transpirational water flow .
9 So the only access will be through the bar here .
10 Entry to Abbot 's Yard car park will be through the archway off Bondgate and exit via Skinnergate to Bondgate .
11 Payment of the mortgage allowance will be through the normal salaries system on a monthly/four-weekly basis and will be non-taxable , provided that the Inland Revenue is satisfied that the payments made are reasonable in amount .
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