Example sentences of "[noun sg] [vb mod] [adv] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This came under heavy fire for implying that small firms set up without planning permission should only have enforcement orders issued against them if alternative premises were available .
2 No , no , I would n't , I would n't , I would n't agree there , because , because the institution may well have policy which is at variance with your council 's policy .
3 There needs to be a recognition that appeals for aid must also have spin-off for the company concerned if the appeal is likely to succeed .
4 The book is not confined to the needs of the conveyancing practitioner , however ; it is thought that the divorce practitioner should also have knowledge of the different types of conveyance which may be ordered by the court or agreed between the parties and the points which should be taken into account at that time , the protective measures that might be taken before the conveyance is concluded and the documentation that may be required in dealing with life policies .
5 HE insisted that the Church has never ruled that a priest should not have sex , only that he should not marry , ’ says Monika ( sic ) Kocanek by way of explaining how she ended up in bed with Fr Christopher O'Neill and then found herself pregnant .
6 That your Lordship would direct , it would be in our task that that figure should n't have interest added to it because of the way in which it was approached .
7 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
8 This technique is only used when a person is dangerously ill and his own blood would not have time to develop the antibodies .
9 Such a general rule would then have application , regardless of the details , to all unions recognized as marriages .
10 RADAR also publish a book that deals specifically with holidays for the disabled , and your local social services department will also have information and possibly funding assistance .
11 This Condition can only have effect if it is called into operation by the party wishing to rely on it giving written notice to the other to that effect .
12 The law may not have authority over him .
13 However , if it is thought that the joint tenancy might be severed ( and there might be good matrimonial or tax planning reasons for this ) it is preferable to include the enlargement of powers as in Precedent 34 for otherwise the trustees of the conveyance may not have power to mortgage or charge the property ( see Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 , s8 ) .
14 But any new Warden might well have difficulty in taking over .
15 Anyone who has contact with the real world knows that sometimes the management might not have confidence in the work force and the work force might not have confidence in the management .
16 But rugby will never have access to the three major broadcast television networks in the U.S. as a stand-alone sport ; there are too many established sports hogging the airwaves .
17 Form teacher would n't have time to do that !
18 Daddy would n't have rheumatism if the house was n't so damp , ’ Guy said .
19 And the decision means Tranmere 's second string will finally have quality opposition after years of languishing in the Midlands Senior League .
20 The agreement pledging the security will usually have provision for the appointment .
21 The trader may not have expertise in accounting or buying
22 Applicants wishing to be considered for the Postgraduate Certificate in Education must however have GCE ‘ O ’ level or GCSE passes in both English Language and Mathematics at grade C or better ( or equivalent qualifications ) .
23 That person should nevertheless have regard to its potential liability under the general law for negligent misstatement ( see Chapter 20 ) .
24 But a kosher butcher would n't have goyim coming into his shop , would he ?
25 In considering any disciplinary action taken by the Panel , the court will always have jurisdiction to intervene and , if necessary , to protect the individual from any abuse of power ( see Guinness above ) .
26 The court can therefore have regard to the totality of the delay between the date of accrual of the cause of action and the date of issue of the writ , notwithstanding s33(3) ( b ) and ( c ) and is likely to pay particular heed to the length of any delay in first notifying the defendant of the claim against him , even if such delay occurred before the expiry of the limitation period , ( Donovan v Gwentoys Ltd [ 1990 ] 1 WLR 472 ) .
27 De Gaulle 's impatience may well have cost France a concession or two , but from his perspective no concession mattered alongside the imperative of getting out of Algeria .
28 The Code may also have relevance to unitisation proposals which are in competition with an offer to which the Code applies .
29 1 he student will then have time to act on the report , and the ward sister will then be able to evaluate the ward teaching and rectify omissions in the student 's experience .
30 What if Cal 's mum would n't have Vern in the house — if Dad went and had that heart attack — if Vern started acting super-weird or stole the family silver …
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